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系统解剖学 Systemic Anatomy

系统解剖学 Systemic Anatomy

定 价:¥179.00

作 者: 黄文华
出版社: 郑州大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564565763 出版时间: 2020-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 523 字数:  




暂缺《系统解剖学 Systemic Anatomy》作者简介


Part 1 The Locomotor System
Chapter 1 The Bones(Osteology)
1.1 The general description
1.2 The bones of trunk
1.3 The bones of limbs
1.4 The skull
Chapter 2 The Joints(Arthrology)
2.1 The general description
2.2 The joints of the bones of trunk
2.3 The joints of the bones of limbs
2.4 The joints of skull
2.5 Applications to health
Chapter 3 The Muscles(Myology)
3.1 The general description
3.2 The muscles of trunk
3.3 The muscles of head and neck
3.4 The muscles of upper limb
3.5 The muscles of lower limb
Part 2 Splanchnology
Chapter 4 The General Description
Chapter 5 The Digestive System
5.1 Digestive processes
5.2 Organization
5.3 Mouth(oral cavity)
5.4 Pharynx
5.5 Esophagus
5.6 Stomach
5.7 Pancreas
5.8 Liver
5.9 Blood and nerve supply
5.10 Gallbladder
5.11 Small intestine
5.12 Large intestine
5.13 Blood and nerve supply
5.14 Applications to health
5.15 Summary
Chapter 6 The Respiratory System
6.1 Organs
6.2 Applications to health
6.3 Summary
Chapter 7 The Urinary System
7.1 Kidneys
7.2 Ureters
7.3 Urinary bladder
7.4 Urethra
7.5 Application to health
Chapter 8 The Reproductive Systems
8.1 Male reproductive system
8.2 Female reproductive system
Chapter 9 The Peritoneum
9.1 The relationship between viscera and peritoneum
9.2 The peritoneal reflections
9.3 Subdivision of peritoneal cavity
Part 3 Angiology
Chapter 10 Cardiovascular System
10.1 General description
10.2 The heart
10.3 The arteries
10.4 The veins
Chapter 11 The Lymphatic System
11.1 Lymphatic vessels and lymph node
11.2 Lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels of the whole body
11.3 Spleen and thymus
Part 4 The Sensory Organs
Chapter 12 The Visual Sensation
12.1 Accessory structure of eye
12.2 Structure of eyeball
Chapter 13 Auditory Sensations and Equilobrium
13.1 The principal regions of ear
13.2 Auditory pathway
13.3 Aging and the special senses
13.4 Application to health
Part 5 The Nervous System
Chapter 14 The General Description
14.1 The organization of the nervous system
14.2 The elements of the nervous system
14.3 The terminology
Chapter 15 The Peripheral Nervous System
15.1 The spinal nerves
15.2 Distribution
15.3 Cranial nerves
15.4 The autonomic nervous system
Chapter 16 The Central Nervous System
16.1 The spinal cord
16.2 The brain
16.3 The nervous pathways
16.4 The meninges and blood vessels of brain and spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid
16.5 The brain barriers
Chapter 17 The Endocrine System
17.1 Endocrine glands
17.2 Pituitary (hypophysis)
17.3 Thyroid
17.4 Parathyroids
17.5 Adrenals (suprarenals)
17.6 Adrenal cortex
17.7 Pancreas
17.8 Ovaries and testes
17.9 Pineal gland( epiphysis eerebri)
17.10 Thymus
17.11 Other endocrine tissues
17.12 Summary
