1 Rocks
1.1 Rock and its formation
1.2 Physical properties of rocks
1.3 Rock weathering
1.4 Scale effect of rocks
New words and phrases
2 Rock Stresses
2.1 Stress state
2.2 Mohr's circle for stresses
2.3 Determination of in-situ stresses
New words and phrases
3 Mechanical Properties of Rocks
3.1 Mechanical behavior of rocks
3.2 Standard mechanical tests on rocks
3.3 Rock failure criteria
3.4 Influencing factors of rock behavior
New words and phrases
4 Rock Mass Classification
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Broken rock zone (BRZ)
4.3 Rock quality designation (RQD)
4.4 Rock mass rating (RMR)
4.5 Rock mass quality (Q)
New words and phrases
5 Application of Rock Mechanics in Rock Tunnel Engineering
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rock tunnel excavation
5.3 Rock tunnel stabilization
New words and phrases