前言 Preface
第一部分 古代科技成就
Part I Ancient Achievements in Science and Technology
天文历法 The Astronomical Calendar
张衡与地动仪 Zhang Heng and Seismometer
四大发明 The Four Great Inventions
祖冲之与圆周率 Zu Chongzhi and x
《九章算术》The Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics
《齐民要术》 The Important Arts for the People's Welfare
《天工开 物》 An Encyclopedia of Technology
赵州桥 Zhaozhou Bridge
都江堰 Dujiangyan
《墨经》The Mohist Canon
《营造法式》The Rules of Architecture
《考工记》 The Book of Diverse Crafts
《梦溪笔谈》Brush Talks from Dream Brook
《徐霞客游记》Xu Xiake's Travels
第二部分 现代科技成就
Part Ⅱ Modern Achievements in Science and Technology
超级杂交水稻 Super Hybrid Rice
人工合成结晶牛胰岛素 Synthetic Crystalline Bovine Insulin
“两弹一星”“Two Bombs and One Satellite”
汉字激光照排技术 The Laser Phototypesetting System of
Chinese Characters
中国航天工程 China Aerospace Industry
南京长江大桥 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
港珠澳大桥 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
中国高铁 China High-speed Railway
南极科考 Antarctic Expedition
“中国天眼”“China's Eye of Heaven”
“神威·太湖之光”超级计算机“Sunway TaihuLight”
北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou Navigation Satellite System
“墨子号”量子通信卫星“Mozi”Quantum Communication
“悟空号”暗物质粒子探测卫星“Wukong”Dark Matter
Particle Explorer
国产大飞机C919 Domestically-made Airplane C919
5G领跑世界 5G Leading the World
移动支付 Mobile Payment