本册图书讲述了一群可爱的老人的故事,他们都活跃在基层、一线工作岗位,都在传播积极向上的社会价值观,传承中华优秀传统文化,在环境保护、科技研究等领域充分发挥着言传身教的作用,为广大老年人树立了“老有所为”的榜样,也为全社会注入了强大的正能量。 This book tells the stories of Chinas older generation who are still active in spreading positive social values and traditional Chinese curture. These respected and charming seniors can be found all across the nation preserving tradiontal Chinese culture,protecting the environment,or involved in scientific and technological research.They set the example for all of us by how they contribute their invalable wisdom, productivity and positive energy to society.