序一 木材天地续辉煌
序二 李坚:一生都向自然学
自序 从大自然中寻找灵感
第一部分 木基功能材料
Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Material from Electroless Copper Plating on Birch Veneer
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zirconium Dioxide Coating on the Surface of Wood with Improved UV Resistance
Electromagnetic Shielding Wood-based Composite from Electroless Plating Corrosion Resistant Ni-Cu-P Coatings on Fraxinus mandshurica Veneer
Enhancement of Photo-catalytic Degradation of Formaldehyde through Loading Anatase TiO2 and Silver Nanoparticle Films on Wood Substrates
Durable Superamphiphobic Wood Surfaces from Cu,0 Film Modified with Fluorinated Alkyl Silane
A Robust, Anti-acid, and High-temperature-humidity-resistant Superhydrophobic Surface of Wood Based on A Modified TiO2 Film by Fluoroalkyl Silane
In Situ Deposition of Graphene Nanosheets on Wood Surface by One-pot Hydrothermal Method for Enhance UV-resistant Ability
Superhydrophobic Conductive Wood with Oil Repellency Obtained by Coating with Silver Nanoparticles Mod fied by Fluoroalkyl Silane
A Robust Superhydrophobic Antibacterial Ag-TiO2 Composite Film Immobilized on Wood Substrate for Photdegradation of Phenol under Visible-Light Illumination
Negative Oxygen lons Production by Superamphiphobic and Antibacterial TiO2/Cu2O Composite Film Anchored on Wooden Substrates
Visible-light Activate Ag/WO, Films Based on Wood with Enhanced Negative Oxygen lons Production Properties
Cu Thin Films on Wood Surface for Robust Superhydrophobicity by Magnetron Sputtering Treatment with Perfluorocarboxylic Acid
Facile One-pot Synthesis of Wood Based Bismuth Molybdate Nano-eggshells with Efficient Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity
第二部分 木材仿生与智能响应
pH-dependent Structure and Wettability of TiO2-based Wood Surface
Multifunctional Wood Materials with Magnetic, Superhydrophobic and Anti-ultraviolet Properties
Growth of CoFe2O4 Particles on Wood Template Using Controlled Hydrothermal Method at Low Temperature
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Magnetic Wood Composites and Improved Wood Properties by Precipitation with CoFe204/Hydroxyapatite
Mechanical Stable Superhydrophobic Epoxy/Silica Coating for Better Water Resistance of Wood
Removal of Oils from Water Surface Via Useful Recyelable CoFe,O_/Sawdust Composites under Magnetic Field
Fabrication of Microwave Absorbing CoFe,O4 Coatings with Robust Superhydrophobicity on Natural Wood Surface
The Magnetic, Mechanical, Thermal Properties and UV Resistance of CoFe2O4/SiO2-Coated Film on Wood
Preparation of Thiol-functionalized Magnetic Sawdust Composites As the Adsorbent to Remove Heavy Metal Ions
第三部分 生物质基气凝胶
第四部分 纳米纤维素及其他
附录一 青年科技工作者“肩挑”科技强国的使命—-访中国工程院院士李坚
附录二 论文、著作、专利名录(2012-2021)