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定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 李小辉,张梅,周梅,郭丽静,牛书杰 等编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568934213 出版时间: 2022-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  《新素养大学英语视听教程1》按主题编写,共8个单元。每一单元包含两大部分。第一部分为引入部分,由听写(Dictation)、主题讨论(Discussion)和视频观看(Video Watching)构成。其中听写部分按循序渐进的原则,从短句听写,到长句听写,逐渐过渡到短文听写。视频部分为学生提供了相关文化背景和词汇表等信息,配有选择题和简答题两种听力题型,用以检测学生对视频材料主旨和细节的把握。此外,学生还需完成和视频主题相关的写作任务。第二部分为听力实践部分。此部分包含各种听力技巧的详细讲解和大量的听力实践练习,包括短对话(Short Conversations)、长对话(Long Conversations)、新闻报道(News Reports)和学术演讲(Lectures)。本教材选用真实、新颖、地道的语料,贴合时代脉搏,贴近学生生活,充分利用现代信息技术,将视、听、说、读、写相结合,旨在通过真实的语境、地道的语言、灵活多样的练习形式和丰富生动的内容来提高大学生英语视听兴趣,促进其语言综合应用能力、批判思维能力和跨文化交际能力的提升。




Unit 1 Vigorous University Life
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Directions
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 2 Fascinating Journeys
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Seaion B
Part One Listening Skills: Places
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 3 Eternal Love and Friendship
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One' Listening Skills: Comparison and Contrast
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 4 Top Universities
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Numbers
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 5 Glorious Careers
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Professions
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 6 Human Virtues
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two VideoWatching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Implications and Inferences
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 7 Financial Troubles
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Requests
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 8 Excellent Health
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Cause and Effect
Part Two Listening Practice
