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定 价:¥49.00

作 者: 田俊英,王燕 编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568933216 出版时间: 2022-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction to Medical Terminology
1.1 Concept of Medical Terminology
1.2 Word Elements
1.2.1 Prefix
1.2.2 Suffix
1.2.3 Root
1.2.4 Combining Form
1.3 Pronunciation
1.4 Stress Rules of Medical Terminology
1.4.1 Fix the Stress on the Preceding Syllable,
1.4.2 Fix the Stress on the Second-to-Iast Syllable
1.4.3 Fix the Stress on the Third-to-Iast Syllable
1.5 Singular and Plural Forms

Chapter 2 The Cardiovascular System Terminology
2.1 Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
2.2 Roots and Affixes
2.3 Pathological Conditions
2.3.1 Atherosclerosis
2.3.2 Coronary Artery Disease
2.3.3 Arrhythmia
2.3.4 Heart Failure
2.3.5 Varicose Veins
2.4 Case Report: Mitral Valve Replacement Operative Report
2.5 Additional Reading: Venous Thromboembolism

Chapter 3 The Respiratory System Terminology
3.1 Introduction to the Respiratory System
3.2 Roots and Affixes
3.3 Pathological Conditions
3.3.1 Pleurisy
3.3.2 Pneumoconiosis
3.3.3 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
3.3.4 Pleural Effusions
3.3.5 Tuberculosis
3.4 Case Report: MERS CoV Infection in Renal Transplant Recipient
3.5 Additional Reading: COVID-19

Chapter 4 The Musculoskeletal System Terminology
4.1 Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
4.2 Roots and Affixes
4.3 Pathological Conditions
4.3.1 Muscular Dystrophies
4.3.2 Fractures
4.3.3 Osteoporosis
4.3.4 Osteosarcoma
4.3.5 Myasthenia Gravis
4.4 Case Study: Low Back Pain
4.5 Additional Reading: Paget's Disease

Chapter 5 The Digestive System Terminology
5.1 Introduction to the Digestive System
5.2 Roots and Affixes
5.3 Pathological Conditions
5.3.1 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
5.3.2 Peptic Ulcers
5.3.3 Colorectal Polyps
5.3.4 Hepatitis
5.3.5 Intestinal Obstruction
5.4 Case Study: Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis with a Brown Tumor of the Mandible
5.5 Additional Reading: Crohn's Disease

Chapter 6 The Urinary System Terminology
6.1 Introduction to the Urinary System
6.2 Roots and Affixes
Chapter 7 The Nervous System Terminology
Chapter 8 The Endocrine System Terminology
Keys to Tasks
