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定 价:¥49.80

作 者: 王全民
出版社: 江苏凤凰科学技术出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787571329679 出版时间: 2022-11-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Round One
Lesson 1 元音/2
Lesson 2 辅音/25
Round Two
Lesson 1 初次见面 Meet for the First Time/54
Lesson 2 介绍他人Introducing Others/59
Lesson 3 邀请拒绝Invitation and Refusation/64
Lesson 4 聚会准备Ready for the Party/69
Lesson 5 前去赴约Going to the Party/75
Lesson 6 兴趣爱好Hobbies and Interests/81
Lesson 7 家人朋友Family and Friends/87
Lesson 8 谈论工作Talking about Work/93
Lesson 9 聚会结束End of the Party/99
Lesson 10 新生入学 Enrollment of Freshmen/105
Lesson 11 宿舍生活Dormitory Life/111
Lesson 12 学校食堂School Canteens/117
Lesson 13 学校课程School Curriculums/123
Lesson 14 课后活动After-School Activities/129
Lesson 15 课外兼职Part-Time Jobs/135
Lesson 16 毕业论文Theses/141
Lesson 17 毕业典礼Graduation Ceremony/147
Lesson 18 工作面试Job Interview/153
Lesson 19 通过面试Passing the Interview/159
Lesson 20 日常工作Daily Work/165
Lesson 21 有事请假Taking a Day Off/171
Lesson 22 员工聚餐Staff Gathering/177
Lesson 23 辞职休息Resigning to Rest/183
Lesson 24 相亲约会Blind Date/189
Lesson 25 确定关系Not Single Any More/195
Lesson 26 吵架和好Quarrel and Reconciliation/201
Lesson 27 求婚现场 Making a Proposal/207
Lesson 28 结婚典礼Wedding Ceremony/213
Lesson 29 婚后日常Marriage Life/219
Lesson 30 得知怀孕 Expecting a Baby/225
Lesson 31 成功生产 Giving Birth to a Baby/231
Lesson 32 三口之家 A Family of Three/237
Lesson 33 公园游玩 Playing at the Park/243
Lesson 34 打扫卫生Cleaning/249
Lesson 35 逛街购物 Shopping/255
Lesson 36 外出用餐 Dining Out/261
Lesson 37 电影电视 Movies and TV/267
Lesson 38 买单付款 Paying the Bill/273
Lesson 39 健康习惯 Healthy Habits/279
Lesson 40 外出度假 Going on a Holiday/285
Lesson 41 酒店入住 Checking in/291
Lesson 42 欢度节日 Celebrating Holidays/297
Lesson 43 生病就医Seeing a Doctor/304
Lesson 44 网络购物 Shopping Online/310
Lesson 45 身材焦虑 Body Anxiety/316
Lesson 46 抗洪救灾Fight Against the Flood/322
Lesson 47 抗击疫情Fight Against the Virus/328
