定 价:¥128.00
作 者: | 上海财经大学PPP研究中心 |
出版社: | 上海财经大学出版社 |
丛编项: | |
标 签: | 暂缺 |
ISBN: | 9787564241230 | 出版时间: | 2023-03-01 | 包装: | 平装-胶订 |
开本: | 16开 | 页数: | 字数: |
目 录 1 导论 1.1 PPP的概念内涵与操作流程 1.2 PPP市场透明度的概念内涵 1.3 PPP信息公开的必要性与意义 1.4 中国PPP信息公开实践历程 1.5 中国PPP市场发展基本概况 2 指标体系与计算方法 2.1 指标体系构建 2.2 指数计算方法 3 指数基本结果与总体分析 3.1 样本数据基本情况 3.2 全国总指数计算 3.3 全国总指数的异质性分析 4 省级指数的排名与分析 4.1 省级透明度总指数结果分析 4.2 分阶段省级透明度结果分析 4.3 “两评一案”省级结果分析 5 城市指数的排名与分析 5.1 城市PPP项目分布情况概述 5.2 重点城市指数的基本情况 5.3 主要城市“两评一案”结果 5.4 PPP信息透明度的社会经济效益分析 6 总结与展望 6.1 报告总结 6.2 政策建议 6.3 未来展望 附件一 专家判定矩阵调查表 附件二 PPP 综合信息平台信息公开管理暂行办法 附件三 政府和社会资本合作(PPP)综合信息平台信息公开管理办法 附件四 PPP 信息公开和规范管理制度目录 附件五 项目数大于30的城市PPP 市场透明度排名 后记 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Basic Concept and Operating Procedure of PPP 1.2 Concept of PPP Market Transparency 1.3 Necessity and Signif icance of PPP Information Disclosure 1.4 Development of PPP Information Disclosure in China 1.5 Overview of PPP Information Disclosure in China 2 Index System and Calculating Methodology 2.1 Construction of Index System 2.2 Calculating Methodology 3 Primary Results and Overall Analysis 3.1 Introduction to Sample Data 3.2 Calculation of National General Index 3.3 Heterogeneity Analysis of National General Index 4 Provincial Rankings and Analysis 4.1 Analysis on General Provincial Index 4.2 Analysis on Provincial Index by Stage 4.3 Analysis on Provincial Transparency Indexes of “Two Assessments and One Program” 5 Municipal Rankings and Analysis 5.1 Municipal Distribution of PPP Projects 5.2 Municipal PPP Market Transparency Index 5.3 Analysis on Municipal Transparency Indexes of “Two Assessments and One Program” 5.4 Analysis of Social and Economic Benef its of PPP Information Transparency 6 Report Summary and Outlook 6.1 Report Summary 6.2 Policy Suggestions 6.3 Outlook Appendix I Determination Matrix Survey for Experts Appendix II Interim Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure for Public-Private Partnership Integrated Information Platform Appendix III Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure for Public-Private Partnership Integrated Information Platform Appendix IV List of PPP Information Disclosure and Regulatory Management Systems Appendix V Ranking of Cities with Over 30 Projects in PPP Market Transparency Index Postscript