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当前位置: 首页出版图书古籍/国学国学著作英汉交替传译信息忠实度评估研究



定 价:¥56.00

作 者: 肖锐
出版社: 浙江工商大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787517852247 出版时间: 2023-03-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations for the Study
1.1.1 Why Study the Assessment of Information Fidelity in Consecutive Interpreting
1.1.2 Why Adopt Propositional Analysis for the Assessment of Information Fidelity
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Data and Methodology
1.5 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 A Review of Research on Interpreting Quality Assessment
2.1 Defining Quality in Interpreting
2.1.1 Quality in Interpreting
2.1.2 Interpreting as a Multi-Dimensional Service
2.1.3 Conceptual Complexity of QI
2.2 Review of Quality Assessment
2.2.1 Quality Assessment in Professional Contexts
2.2.2 Quality Assessment in Educational Contexts
2.2.3 Methodological Issues
2.3 Information Fidelity
2.3.1 Defining Fidelity in Interpreting
2.3.2 Assessing Information Fidelity
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Propositional Analysis and the Assessment of Information Fidelity
3.1 Proposition
3.1.1 Defining Proposition
3.1.2 The Evolution of Proposition: A Historical Approach
3.1.3 Propositional Correspondence Relations and Value Judgment
3.2 PA in Interpreting Studies
3.2.1 Proposition as a Major Target in IS
3.2.2 PA as a Research Instrument in IS
3.2.3 Current Development of PA in IS
3.3 Analytical Framework for the PA-Based Assessment of Information Fidelity in Consecutive Interpreting
3.3.1 Coding Scheme of PA
3.3.2 Analytical Framework for the PA-Based Assessment of Information Fidelity in Consecutive Interpreting
3.4 Summary
Chapter4 The Experiment
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Subjects
4.2.1 Test Participants
4.2.2 Raters
4.3 Materials
4.3.1 Test Materials
4.3.2 Assessment Materials
4.4 Procedures
4.4.1 Experiment Process
4.4.2 Rater Training
4.5 Principles of PA
4.5.1 Proposition as an Assessment Unit of Information Fidelity
4.5.2 Classifications of Propositional Correspondence
4.5.3 Propositionalization Procedure
4.5.4 Coding Scheme of Propositional Correspondence
4.6 Rating Procedure
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Validation of the PA-Based Assessment of Information Fidelity in Consecutive Interpreting
5.1 MFRM: Preparation for Validation
5.2 SPSS and FACETS Analysis
5.2.1 Measure
5.2.2 Separation Ratio, Separation Index and Reliability of Separation Index
5.2.3 Chi-Square Statistics and Significance
5.2.4 Fit Statistics
5.3 Validation of the PA-Based Assessment of Information Fidelity in Consecutive Interpreting
5.3.1 Construct Validity
5.3.2 Criterion Validity and Rating Validity
5.4 Discussion
5.4.1 Criterion Validity
5.4.2 Rating Validity/Rater Reliability
5.4.3 Rater Training
5.4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of PA in the Assessment of Information Fidelity
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Implications of the PA-Based Assessment for Interpreter Education
6.1 Implications from Examinees' Performance in the Message Transfer
6.2 Implications from Correlation Between Propositional Correspondence Distribution and Performance of the Message Transfer
6.3 Exploring Competence Trajectory of Trainees
6.4 The PA-Based Assessment in Interpreter Education
6.4.1 Using PA in Instructing Information Processing
6.4.2 Incorporating PA into Peer Review
6.5 Summary
Chapter7 Conclusions
7.1 Major Findings
7.1.1 QI Assessment and Propositional Analysis
7.1.2 Validation of the PA-Based Criterion
7.1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of the PA-Based Criterion
7.1.4 Implications of PA for Interpreter Education
7.2 Contributions of the Study
7.3 Limitations and Future Directions
E-C Passage for Consecutive Interpreting Test
EIC Rating Scale and Assessment Sheet (Information Quality) ...
Questionnaire for Interpreter Trainees
