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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材研究生/本科/专科教材商务汉语综合教程(微观篇)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 翟宜疆,段沫
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787561962787 出版时间: 2023-07-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  “知行?经济汉语系列教材”是学历留学生从基础汉语学习转向商务及金融类专业学习的桥梁,同时也是高级汉语进修生和外籍从业人员结合自身实际工作需求进一步提高汉语综合运用能力的良好媒介。本系列教材共 7 册:《商务汉语综合教程》、(宏观篇、微观篇)、《金融汉语综合教程》(上、下)、《商务汉语听说教程》、《商务汉语写作教程》、《中国商务文化教程》,内容涉及商务和金融领域常见话题。教材力求将“知识、能力、素质三位一体”的顶层设计目标具体化并落到实处,大纲项目、教材内容、体例设计力求体现多项知识能力和素质指标的培养要求。知识方面强调商务汉语知识、经贸专业知识,能力方面重点突出商务汉语听说读写分项能力、运用汉语处理商务业务的综合能力以及跨文化交际能力。此外还兼及团队协作精神、国际化视野等素质的培养。本教材为系列中的《商务汉语综合教程》(微观篇)分册,全书以能力大纲为核心;以话题大纲为内容范围,辅以语言知识、专业知识、社会知识等多维线索;以仿真任务作为学习者演练和巩固能力项目的实践机会。全书8个单元,16课。能力方面,本分册聚焦商业信息的表达能力,将商业信息的表达能力细分为“介绍—说明—调查—研究”四类,进一步细化出各单元的能力项目以及各课的“微”能力点。话题方面,侧重微观经济学角度,主要涉及企业的对外经营和内部管理两大板块。“Step into Practice: Chinese for Economics Series” serves as a bridge for international students to switch from basic Chinese learning to business and finance majors, and also a good medium for advanced students of Chinese and foreign practitioners to further improve their comprehensive Chinese application ability according to their actual work needs.This series consists of 7 books: Chinese for Commerce: Comprehensive Course (1 & 2), Chinese for Finance: Comprehensive Course (1 & 2), Chinese for Commerce: Listening and Speaking, Chinese for Commerce: Writing and Chinese for Commerce: Culture, covering common topics in the fields of business and finance.The textbook strives to make the top-level goal of “integrating knowledge, ability and quality” concrete and put into practice, and make the outline project, content and style design reflect the training requirements of multiple knowledge abilities and quality indicators. In terms of knowledge, this book emphasizes business Chinese and economic and trade expertise, while in terms of ability, emphasis is placed on business Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing, comprehensive ability to use Chinese to deal with real business issues and cross-cultural communication ability. In addition, it also helps to cultivate teamwork spirit and international visionThis textbook, Chinese for Commerce: Comprehensive Course II, belongs to the “Step into Practice: Chinese for Economics Series”. The whole book takes the ability outline as the core, the topic outline as the content scope supplemented by language knowledge, professional knowledge, social knowledge and other multi-dimensional clues, and simulation tasks as practical opportunities for learners to practice and consolidate their ability. It consists of 8 units, 16 lessons. In terms of the ability acquired, this volume focuses on the expression ability of business information, which is subdivided into four categories of “introduction - explanation - investigation - research”, and further details the ability items of each unit and the “micro” ability points of each lesson. In terms of the topics involved, it focuses on the perspective of microeconomics, mainly including the external operation and internal management of enterprises.


  总主编:翟宜疆 本册主编:段沫翟宜疆上海交通大学人文学院副教授,硕士生导师,曾任德国海德堡大学孔子学院中方院长。主要研究方为汉语国际教育,比较汉字学。出版教材《21世纪对外汉语教材》等。段沫语言学及应用语言学博士,上海交通大学人文学院教师。长期讲授商务汉语类课程,曾获校级教学比赛二等奖、院级教学比赛一等奖。主持完成校级教研项目4项、校级教材项目1项。发表商务汉语教学、任务型教学相关论文多篇。Chief Author: Zhai YijiangChief Author of This Volume: Duan MoZhai Yijiang is an associate professor and Master candidates’ supervisor of the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and was the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at Heidelberg University in Germany. His main research focuses on teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages and comparative Chinese characterology. He has published textbooks such as the A 21st Century Course of Chinese as a Foreign Language.Duan Mo is a PhD in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and teacher at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She has been teaching business Chinese courses for a long time and has won the second prize of school-level teaching competition and the first prize of college-level teaching competition. She has presided over four school-level teaching and research projects and one school-level teaching material project, and has published many papers on business Chinese teaching and task-based teaching.


