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当前位置: 首页出版图书暂缺分类杨薇中国书画艺术指南(套装上下册)



定 价:¥750.00

作 者: (美)杨薇(Wei Yang,PH.D.)编
出版社: 南开大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787310062232 出版时间: 2022-09-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  The authoritative English-language reference for Chinese painting and calligraphy prior to 1911. Based on decades of experience as a scholar, educator, and art consultant and appraiser, Wei Yang introduces the basics of Chinese painting and calligraphy and explains the professional appraisal (valuation) of Chinese art.Focusing on connoisseurship, art criticism, valuation criteria and market trends, Wei Yang's Guide to Chinese Painting and Calligraphy discusses issues fundamental to the identification, dating, ranking and authenticity of classical Chinese fine art. It provides original, workable guidelines for valuing classical Chinese painting and calligraphy, General topics include medium, format, painting techniques, classical scripts, inscriptions, seals and market trends. The heart of the book consists of biographies, stylistic analysis, information about seals and signatures, and market information about painters and their work from early times to the end of the nineteenth century.Addressed to readers who do not know Chinese, the guide is based on extensive research in Chinese sources and first-hand knowledge of Chinese art all over the world. It is intended for connoisseurs of Chinese painting, collectors, curators, appraisers, attorneys, other art professionals, students, scholars and anyone interested in Chinese art.




