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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材研究生/本科/专科教材化工专业英语



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 赵韵,何慧红
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787122434418 出版时间: 2023-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Chemistry 001
Lesson 1 Chemistry as a Natural Science 002
Lesson 2 The Periodic Properties of the Elements004
Lesson 3 What Is Chemical Engineering? 007
Lesson 4 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds009
Lesson 5 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds012
Lesson 6 Acids and Bases015
Lesson 7 What Are Chemical Reactions? 018
Lesson 8 The Many Uses of Plastics 020
Lesson 9 How to Write a Lab Report?023
Lesson 10 Green Chemistry026
Lesson 11 Basic Chemical Storage Practice Guidelines 028
Lesson 12 The Most Common Injuries in a Chemistry Lab033
Unit 2 Analysis and Detection 036
Lesson 13 Chemical Analysis037
Lesson 14 The 10 Most Important Lab Safety Rules040
Lesson 15 Using a Buret 043
Lesson 16 Titrations045
Lesson 17 Analysis of an Unknown Mixture by Acid-Base Titration048
Lesson 18 Analysis of an Unknown Mixture by Fractional Crystallization051
Lesson 19 Measuring pH 054
Lesson 20 Isolation, Purification, and Identification of Caffeine056
Lesson 21 Using the Cary-50 UV-Vis Spectrophotometers 060
Lesson 22 Instructions for Gas Chromatography 064
Lesson 23 Operation of FT-IR Spectrometer 067
Lesson 24 Determination of Resistance to Abrasion of Paints and Varnishes 070
Unit 3 Chemical Production Process 074
Lesson 25 Material Safety Data Sheet—1,2-Epoxyhexane, 97% 075
Lesson 26 Free Radical Polymerization080
Lesson 27 Polymer Precipitation083
Lesson 28 Polyurethane Dispersions Coating Formulations 085
Lesson 29 Petroleum Fractional Distillation 088
Lesson 30 Hydrorefining Gas Oil from Coal Hydrogenation090
Lesson 31 Manufacture of Soap by Semicontinuous Method092
Lesson 32 Synthetic Process of Phenol-formaldehyde Resin (Ⅰ) 095
Lesson 33 Synthetic Process of Phenol-formaldehyde Resin (Ⅱ) 098
Lesson 34 An Industrial Process for the Production of Nylon 66 102
Lesson 35 Fixed Bed Reactor Unit Simulation Training 105
Unit 4 Skills Competitions111
Lesson 36 World Skills Competitions 112
Lesson 37 Determination of the Glycerol Content in the Sample 114
Lesson 38 Ethyl Bromide Synthesis 118
Lesson 39 Determination of the Total Iron Content in the Sample120
Lesson 40 Potentiometric Titration of a Phosphoric Acid and Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Mixture123
Lesson 41 Determination of the Synthetic Dyes Identity in the Sample 126
Lesson 42 Determination of the Residual Organic Solvents in the Sample130
Appendixes 135
Appendix 1 Names of Chemical Elements 136
Appendix 2 Common Prefixes and Suffixes Used in Chemical English 140
Appendix 3 Lab Apparatus Photos & Names 143
Appendix 4 Chemistry Vocabulary Terms 147
References 153
