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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史中国史中国史料典籍欧亚大陆的古代文明:人类



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作 者: 张全超,(俄罗斯)布日洛娃·阿列克桑德拉·彼得...
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787308238083 出版时间: 2023-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 251 字数:  


  本书主题为欧亚大陆古代人类与环境古代文明,研究团队为吉林大学生物考古实验室与莫斯科国立大学联合实验室。 初的欧亚大陆文明始于公元前3500年至公元前1000年。约公元前3500年时,一些已改进生产技术、正在耕种这片干旱的荒原的农业公社,成功的完成了从新石器时代的部落文化到文明的过渡。本书从考古学文化、变形颅病理、颅骨形态等方面进行了探讨与研究。本书纳入“缪斯文库”系列,亦系“中国科技考古丛书”第四本。




Extreme Climate, Rather Than Population History, Explains Mid-Facial Morphology of Northern Asians
Biological Diversity and Population History of Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherers from the Cis-Baikal Region of Siberia
Nasal Cavity and Maxillary Sinuses form Variation Among Modern Humans of Asian Descent
Divided Zygoma in Holocene Human Populations from Northern China
The Sunghir 3 Upper Paleolithic Juvenile: Pathology versus Persistence in the Paleolithic
Intentional Cranial Modification from the Houtaomuga Site in Jilin, China: Earliest Evidence and Longest in Situ Practice During the Neolithic Age
Trepanations in Sauromato-Sarmatian Crania from the Lower Volga
Violence in the First Millennium BCE Eurasian Steppe: Cranial Trauma in Three Turpan Basin Populations from Xinjiang, China
Rare Cases of Rare Diseases: Re-Examining Early 20th Century Cases of Anencephaly from the Collection of the Moscow State University, Russia
Brief Communication: Testing the Association Between Human Mid-Facial Morphology and Climate Using Autosomal, Mitochondrial, Y Chromosomal Polymorphisms and Cranial Non-Metrics
Ancient DNA Reveals Evidence of Abundant Aurochs (Bos primigenius) in Neolithic Northeast China
Phylogenetic and Population Structural Inference from Genomic Ancestry Maintained in Present-Day Common Wheat Chinese Landraces
Ancient DNA Investigation of the Domestication History of Pigs in Northeast China
Plant Remains Recovered from the Houtaomuga Site in Jilin Province, Northeast China: A Focus on Phase I (12900-11000 cal. BP) and Phase Il (8000-7000 cal. BP)
The Human Cultures in South-Eastern Caspian Region in Final Pleistocene—Holocene Period
