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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语实用商务英语(新形态版)



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 周红,章剑飞
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787309163186 出版时间: 2023-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 222 字数:  






Unit 1 Starting a Business
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:What Type of Business Should You Start
Text B:Starting an Online Business
Case Study:The EntrepreneuriaI Journey:From Shoe Seller to
Brand Builder
Practical Activity:How to Introduce a Company
Practical Writing:Job Application Letter
Unit 2 Financial Management
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:Sources ofStart-up Funding
Text B:Angel Investors
Case Study:Angelic Temptations
Practical Activity:How to Attract Investors
Practical Writing:Memo
Unit 3 Branding
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:China’s Future in Brand Awareness
Text B:Essentials of Building a Winning Brand
Case Study:Haier’s Branding Strategy for a Global Transformation
Practical Activity:How to Create a Brand Name
Practical Writing:Email
Unit 4 Advertising
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:The Digital Trends That Are Reshaping Advertising
Text B:Tips on Creating a Catchy Slogan for Your Business
Case Study:Why“A Diamond Is Forever”Has Lasted So Long
Practical Activity:How to Advertise a Product
Practical Writing:Notice and Announcement
Unit 5 Operations Management
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:Improving Efficiency Through Operations Management
Text B:Quality Inspections in the Supply Chain
Case Study:IKEA's Plans to Attract More Buyers Throughout China
Practical Activity:How to Arrange a Business Meeting
Practical Writing:Meeting Minutes
Unit6 Uross-Dorder E-commerCe
Practical Listening
Practical Reading
Text A:The Development Trends of Cross—border E—commerce
Text B:Livestreaming E—commerce in China
Case Study:Douyin’S E-commerce Empire in the Making
Practical Activity:How to Start an Online Store
Practical Writing:Business Proposal
Unit 7 Business TraveI
