Chapter 1 MATLAB Programming
1.1 MATLAB Introduction
1.1.1 History of MATLAB
1.1.2 MATLAB Features
1.1.3 Main Functions of MATLAB
1.2 Components of MATLAB
1.2.1 Main Components of MATLAB
1.2.2 Important Components of MATLAB
1.3 Installation of MATLAB
1.4 MATLAB Development Environment
1.4.1 MATLAB Software Development Environment
1.4.2 MATLAB Path
1.4.3 MATLAB Variable Saving
1.5 M-file Usage
1.6 Common Commands
Chapter 2 MATLAB Matrix
2.1 Variables and Data Operations
2.1.1 Variables and Assignments
2.1.2 Predefined Variables
2.1.3 Management of Memory Variables
2.1.4 MATLAB Common Mathematical Functions
2.1.5 Output Format of Data
2.2 MATLAB Vector and Matrix
2.2.1 Establishment and Splitting of Vectors
2.2.2 Establishment and Splitting of Matrix
2.2.3 Extraction and Replacement of Matrix Elements
2.2.4 Special Matrix
2.3 MATLAB Matrix Correlation Operation
2.3.1 Arithmetic Operations
2.3.2 Relational Operators
2.3.3 Logical Operation
2.4 Matrix Function
2.4.1 Diagonal Matrix and Triangular Matrix
2.4.2 Transpose and Rotation of Matrix
2.4.3 Inverse and Pseudo Inverse of Matrix
2.4.4 Determinant of the Square Matrix
2.4.5 Rank and Trace of Matrix
2.4.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices
Chapter 3 MATLAB Plotting
3.1 Two-Dimensional Data Curve
3.1.1 Plotting a Single 2D Curve
3.1.2 Plotting Multiple 2D Curves
3.1.3 Setting the Curve Style
3.1.4 Graphic Labels
3.1.5 Axis Scaling and Appearance
3.1.6 Boundary and Mesh Control
3.1.7 Plotting of Symbolic Functions
3.2 Other 2D Graphics
3.2.1 Pie Chart
3.2.2 Bar Chart