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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术农业科学畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂现代动物繁殖技术 Modern Animal Reproductive Technology

现代动物繁殖技术 Modern Animal Reproductive Technology

现代动物繁殖技术 Modern Animal Reproductive Technology

定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 石放雄,茆达干
出版社: 中国农业大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787565529856 出版时间: 2023-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 276 字数:  


  本教材将全面系统地介绍动物繁殖活动中涉及的实用技术和前沿技术,主要包括发情排卵控制、授精、妊娠诊断、分娩控制、卵母细胞与胚胎冷冻、性别鉴定与性别控制、胚胎移植、动物干细胞、动物克隆、动物转基因、激素免疫与基因免疫技术和禽类繁殖生物技术。本教材以科学性、 性、系统性、实用性和广泛性为原则,依据高等学校教学特点,特别是当前智慧牧业等发展的要求,由此形成了本教材的特色。本教材已经获得南京农业大学动物科技学院教材建设基金资助。


暂缺《现代动物繁殖技术 Modern Animal Reproductive Technology》作者简介


Chapter 1 Estrus and Ovulation Control
1.1 Principle of estrus diagnosis
1.1.1 General diagnosis technology
1.1.2 Modern estrus monitoring technology
1.2 Estrus control technology
1.2.1 Estrus induction technology
1.2.2 Simultaneous estrus technology
1.3 Ovulation control technology
1.3.1 Ovulation timing control and Ovsynch
1.3.2 Ovulation count control
Chapter 2 Fertilization Technology
2.1 Artificial insemination
2.1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of artificial insemination
2.1.2 Brief introduction of development history for artificial insemination technology in livestock and poultry
2.1.3 Technical process of artificial insemination
2.2 In vitro fertilization technique
2.2.1 A brief history of in vitro fertilization
2.2.2 In vitro maturation of oocytes
2.2.3 In vitro capacitation of sperm
2.2.4 Procedure of in vitro fertilization
2.2.5 Main factors affecting in vitro fertilization
2.2.6 Application, problems, and prospects of in vitro fertilization
2.3 Microinsemination
2.3.1 Operating procedure
2.3.2 Significance of MI
Chapter 3 Pregnancy Diagnosis
3.1 Basis for pregnancy diagnosis
3.2 Principles of pregnancy diagnosis
3.3 Methods of pregnancy diagnosis
3.3.1 Routine techniques for pregnancy diagnosis
3.3.2 Smart pregnancy diagnosis techniques
Chapter 4 Parturition Control
4.1 Principle of parturition control
4.2 Application of parturition control
4.3 Significance of parturition control
4.4 Methods of parturition control
4.4.1 Treatment scheme of prostaglandin
4.4.2 Treatment scheme of oxytocin
4.4.3 Treatment scheme of eorticosteroid
Chapter 5 Oocyte and Embryo Cryopreservation
5.1 History for embryo and oocyte cryopreservation
5.1.1 Oocyte cryopreservation
5.1.2 Embryo cryopreservation
5.2 Principle and technology of cryopreservation for ova and embryos
5.2.1 Technical terms
5.2.2 Changes during freezing and cryoinjuries
5.2.3 Cryoprotectants
5.2.4 Principles of cryopreservation
5.3 Procedures for embryo cryopreservation
5.3.1 Conventional freezing
5.3.2 Ultra-rapid freezing
5.3.3 Vitrification cryopreservation procedure
5.4 Procedures for oocyte cryopreservation
5.4.1 Slow freezing
5.4.2 Vitrification cryopreservation
5.5 Prospects and conclusions of oocyte cryopreservation
Chapter 6 Sex Control in Mammals
6.1 Brief history of studies on sex determination
6.2 Sex control techniques in mammals
6.2.1 Sex control before fertilization--the separation of X sperm and Y sperm
6.2.2 Internal female sexual manipulation of the female reproductive tract
6.2.3 Mating with semen by RNAi injection into testis
6.2.4 Sex identification of pre-implanted embryo
6.2.5 Sex control by ultrasonography identification
6.2.6 Other biotechniques
6.3 Application prospect of sex control techniques
Chapter 7 Embryo Transfer
7.1 Research history of embryo transfer
7.1.1 Development of fresh embryo and embryo transfer
7.1.2 Development of frozen embryo transfer
7.1.3 Development of combination of micromanipulation and embryo transfer
7.1.4 Embryo transfer organizations contributed to the technique development
7.2 Rationale of embryo transfer
7.2.1 Gestational development of reproductive organs after estrus
7.2.2 Pre-implantation status of an early embryo
7.2.3 Immune tolerance of the maternal uterus to the embryo
7.2.4 Pregnancy signals are emitted by the embryo
7.2.5 Stability of embryonic genetic material
7.3 Principles of embryo transfer
7.3.1 Physiological basis of embryo transfer
7.3.2 Time frame for embryo transfer
7.3.3 Strict quality control of the embryo transfer process
7.4 Factors affecting the success of embryo
