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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络网络与数据通信网络通信综合Microwave Devices and Antennas 微波器件与天线

Microwave Devices and Antennas 微波器件与天线

Microwave Devices and Antennas 微波器件与天线

定 价:¥79.00

作 者: 韩春辉 安婷
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787512441323 出版时间: 2023-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 234 字数:  


  本书为电子信息类的英文教材。全书共分八章,主要内容为:针对微波器件与天线的教学需求,系统论述了微波器件及电路结构、作用和工作原理,介绍了天线原理及各种实用天线(包括微波二极管及电路、微波真空电子器件等)的结构、组成和工作原理。本书结构合理,图文并茂,论述深入浅出,是几位作者多年工作经验的总结,其 版深受留学生好评。本书的主要适用对象为电子信息类留学生、电子信息类研究生以及其他相关专业在华留学生。


暂缺《Microwave Devices and Antennas 微波器件与天线》作者简介


Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Microwave
1.1.1 Microwave and Characteristics
1.1.2 Applications of Microwave
1.1.3 Protection Against Microwave
1.2 Introduction to Microwave Devices
1.2.1 Microwave Devices
1.2.2 Classification of Microwave Devices
1.3 Introduction to Antennas
1.3.1 Antenna
1.3.2 Classification of Antennas
Chapter 2 Transmission Line Theory
2.1 Transmission Line
2.1.1 Concept of Transmission Line
2.1.2 Concept of Long Line
2.1.3 Distributed Parameters and Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line
2.2 Transmission Line Equations and Its Solutions
2.2.1 Transmission Line Equations
2.2.2 Sinusoidal Steady-state Solution of Transmission Line Equation
2.2.3 Special Solutions of Transmission Line Equation
2.3 Waves on Transmission Line and Their Transmission Characteristics
2.3.1 Incident Wave and Reflected Wave
2.3.2 Characteristic Impedance
2.3.3 Propagation Constant
2.3.4 Reflection Coefficient
2.3.5 Input Impedance
2.4 Working State of Lossless Transmission Line
2.4.1 Working State of Traveling Wave
2.4.2 Working State of Standing Wave
2.4.3 Working State of Traveling Standing Wave
2.5 Impedance Matching of Transmission Line
2.5.1 Quarter-wavelength Impedance Converter
2.5.2 Single-branch Matcher
2.5.3 Double-branch Matcher
Chapter 3 Practical Transmission Lines
3.1 General Analysis of Waveguide System
3.2 Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.1 Wave Equation Solution of Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.2 Propagation Characteristics of Rectangular Waveguide
3.2.3 TE10 Wave
3.2.4 Field Structure and Field Symmetry of High Order Modes in Rectangular Waveguides
3.2.5 Transmission Power and Power Capacity
3.2.6 Selection of Rectangular Waveguide Size
3.2.7 Matching of Rectangular Waveguide
3.3 Circular Waveguide
3.3.1 Wave Equation Solution of Circular Waveguide
3.3.2 Frequently-used Modes of Circular Waveguide
3.4 Parallel Transmission Lines and Coaxial Lines
3.4.1 Parallel Transmission Lines
3.4.2 Coaxial Line
