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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术武器工业景象匹配与目标识别技术



定 价:¥69.00

作 者: 谭明虎,王靖宇,苏雨,李言俊,张科等
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787561286500 出版时间: 2023-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 297 字数:  


  本书针对 制导中的景象匹配和目标识别技术,主要介绍了与景象匹配和目标识别有关的研究方法和相关成果,涵盖了与景象匹配及目标识别有关的各种图像处理、景象匹配、特征提取与目标识别方法。全书共分为10章,本书可作为高等学校导航制导类和航空航天类研究生教材或参考教材,也可供从事 制导工作的工程技术人员参考。




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Accurately guided weapon
1.2 Infrared image guidance technology
1.3 Summary of infrared image processing methods
1.4 Present situation of research for target recognition method
1.5 Scene matching technique
Chapter 2 Infrared image preprocessing
2.1 Noise filtering of infrared images
2.2 Grayscale transformation of infrared images
2.3 Infrared image enhancement
2.4 Infrared image segmentation
Chapter 3 Processing of remote sensing image
3.1 Applícatíon survey of image guidance and earth-observation technique of satellite
3.2 Data fusion of remote sensing images
3.3 Edge detection of remote sensing image
3.4 Remotely sensed image segmentation
Chapter 4 Morphological methods in image processing
4.1 Formation of mathematical morphology
Basic principle of mathematical morphologyGray-level morphological methods
4.4 Mathematical morphological filtering methods
4.5 Edge detection methods based on mathematical morphology
4.6 Application of mathematical morphology to target recognition of airfielo Questions
Chapter 5 Image processing methods based on rough set
5.1 Foundation of rough set theory
5.2 Image enhancement methods by use of rough set
5.3 Rough set image filtering method
5.4 Image segmentation based on rough set theory Questions
Chapter 6 Summarizing of downward-looking scene matching guidance
6.1 Generality of downward-looking scene matching guidance
6.2 Basic method of downward-looking scene matching position Questions
Chapter 7 Downward looking scene matching guidance based on image feature
7.1 Summary of feature-based image matching and recognition technique
7.2 Feature extraction of images
7.3 Invariant moments of two-dimensional image
7.4 Downward looking scene matching based on invariant moment features Questions
Chapter 8 Edge matching methods in downward looking scene matching guidance
8.1 Anti-deformable image edge matching methods
8.2 Several real-time downward-looking scene matching position methods in common use
8.3 Methods increasing image matching reliability Questions
Chapter 9 Downward looking scene matching based on textural element features
9.1 Textural element feature and its extraction algorithms
9.2 Downward lookíng scene matching method based on textural element features
Chapter 10 Image recognition of aerial two-dimensional target
10.1 Stability of often-used invariabless
10.2 Polar-coordinate projectíon moment
10.3 Affine projection moment
10.4 Brief summary
