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Doctor-Patient Communication 医患沟通(英文版)

Doctor-Patient Communication 医患沟通(英文版)

定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 王锦帆,尹梅
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787117332323 出版时间: 2022-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 197 字数:  


  本教材遵循 卫健委“十三五”规划教材《医患沟通》(第2版)的基本路径,即医患沟通概念与理论→医患沟通技能和方法→主要临床科室医疗服务全程的医患沟通经验和规律,编写中做了较大幅度的精简,编委主要为对留学生授课以及医学英语专业且职称在副教授以上人员,根据国外教材的基本体例进行编写,重点把关英文书写。本书兼顾教学和自学,积极贯彻“学生好学、教师好教”的写作方针。主要内容包括医患沟通概念、 医患沟通学术、医学史中的医患关系、医学中人文内涵、医患沟通社会意义、医患沟通的原则、策略及模式、医患沟通语言和行为技能、医患沟通的机制与制度、外科医患沟通、医技科室和临床药学及全科医学的医患沟通等,重点内容涵盖:健康中国和医改深化的背景、社会主义核心价值观下的医患沟通理念、国外医患沟通学术概要、医学人文热点和趋势、临床思维和就医思维融合中临床环节的医患沟通、同理心表达技能、情绪管理技能、临床路径和网络医疗中的医患沟通、医患纠纷第三方处理机制等。


暂缺《Doctor-Patient Communication 医患沟通(英文版)》作者简介


"Chapter 1 Introduction to Doctor-Patient Communication
Section 1 Overview of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. The definition of doctor-patient communication
Ⅱ. The meaning of doctor-patient communication
Ⅲ. The concept of doctor-patient communication
Section 2 Humanistic Connotation in Medicine
Ⅰ. Medical model and gradual change
Ⅱ. The meaning of modern medicine
Ⅲ. Medical humanities and medical professionalism
Ⅳ. Evidence-based medicine and its realization
Section 3 Doctor-Patient Relationship and Doctor-Patient Needs
Ⅰ. Doctor-patient relationship and trend
Ⅱ. Patients’ needs
Ⅲ. Doctors’ needs
Chapter 2 Principles of Doctor-Patient Communication
Section 1 The Social Significance of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. Improving the efficiency of universal access to health care
Ⅱ. Promoting the scientific decision-making and management of health care
Ⅲ. Building the harmonious doctor-patient society
Section 2 Medical Value of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. Doctor-patient cooperation is the underlying motivation of medical development
Ⅱ. Improving the medical service process
Ⅲ. Doctor-patient decision-making achieves mutual benefit and win-win progress
Section 3 Function of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. Providing the correct diagnosis
Ⅱ. Improving the therapeutic effect
Ⅲ. Developing harmonious doctor-patient relationship
Ⅳ. Boosting the modern medical model
Section 4 Application Mode of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. The basic principles of doctor-patient communication
Ⅱ. The basic strategies of doctor-patient communication
Ⅲ. The clinical modes of doctor-patient communication
Chapter 3 Doctor-Patient Communication Skills
Section 1 Procedures for Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. Stages of doctor-patient communication
Ⅱ. The specific process of doctor-patient communication
Section 2 Basic Skills of Doctor-Patient Communication
Ⅰ. Verbal communication skills
Ⅱ. Non-verbal communication skills
Ⅲ. Written communication skills
Ⅳ. Empathy expression skills
Section 3 Emotional Management Skills of Medical Professionals
Ⅰ. Management of the anxiety
Ⅱ. Management of the anger
Chapter 4 Doctor-Patient Communication in Internal Medicine
Section 1 Doctor-Patient Communication in Cardiology
Ⅰ. Physical and mental characteristics of the patients and the social factors involved
Ⅱ. Positive communication in medical care
Ⅲ. Common barriers and solutions in doctor-patient communication
Section 2 Doctor-Patient Communication in Pneumology
