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中医养生学(第2版/本科中医双语 英文版)

中医养生学(第2版/本科中医双语 英文版)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 张晓天
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787117332835 出版时间: 2022-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 261 字数:  


  本教材为 卫生健康委员会“十三五”规划教材暨全国高等学校中医药类专业第三轮英文版规划教材,旨在响应 “ ”发展战略,推动中医药留学生教育教学创新发展,培养 的 化中医药人才。本书涵盖了中医养生学课程基本内容,教材主要内容包括:中医养生学基础理论、常用中医养生方法介绍、中医养生实践指导,从而达到掌握具体中医养生方法的目的。本教材适用于来华留学生及《中医养生学》课程双语教学。本教材采用创新出版形式,纸质教材以英文编写,中文原文、章末复习思考题答案等作为网络增值服务。


  主任医师,医学博士,硕士研究生导师,上海中医药大学附属曙光医院治未病中心主任,曙光医院首批 中医师,澳大利亚注册中医师、针灸师,美国东方医学研究中心特约专家、韩中整合医学项目委员会委员、 中医药管理局中医药文化科普巡讲团专家、中国医师协会国医科普之旅暨“治未病”百姓健康公益大讲堂活动首席专家讲师


Part 1 Foundations of Health Cultivation
in Chinese Medicine
Chapter 1 Overview of TCM Health Cultivation Science/ 2
Section 1 Concept of Health Cultivation/2
Section 2 Characteristics of Health Cultivation/ 4
I. Whole Dynamic State/ 4
II. Harmonious Moderation/4
III. Syncretic Adjustment/ 5
IV. Extensive Applicability/5
Section 3 Signif icance of Health Cultivation/6
I. Changing Medical Models and Disease Spectrum/ 6
II. The Severity of Social Competition/6
III. The Shift Towards Prevention/7
Section 4  Study Task, Approach and Requirement of Health Cultivation/7
I. Study Task/ 7
II. Approach and Requirement/ 7
Chapter 2  Essentials of Ancient Physicians’ Thoughts on TCM Health
Cultivation Science/9
Section 1 Ancient Times—The Original Stage/ 9
I. The Origin of Dietary Health Cultivation/ 10
II. The Origin of Environmental Health Cultivation/10
III. The Origin of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Massage, Dao Yin and Respiration Therapy/ 10
Section 2  Before the Qin Dynasty—The Contention of Hundreds of Schools/11
I. The Book of Changes in the Zhou Dynasty/12
II. Taoism/12
III. Confucianism/ 13
IV. The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic/ 14
Section 3  The Han and Tang Dynasties—The Formation Stage/15
I. Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica/ 15
II. Wang Chong/15
III. Zhang Zhongjing/16
IV. Hua Tuo/16
V. Sun Simiao/ 16
VI. Buddhism/ 17
VII. Others/17
Section 4  The Song and Yuan Dynasties—The Development Stage/18
I. The Incessant Development of Gerontology/18
II. The Gradual Development of Medicine Health Cultivation/19
III. Rich and Colorful Dietary Health Cultivation/ 19
IV.  The Inf luence of the “Four Experts in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties” on Health Cultivation
Section 5  The Ming and Qing Dynasties—The Propagation Stage/21
I. The Theory of Life Gate and Preserving Essence Emphasized in Health Cultivation/ 22
II. Rich and Varied Approaches of Health Cultivation/ 22
III. Integrating Motion with Tranquility for Health Cultivation/24
IV. Dao Yin, a Martial Art for Body Building/24
V. Emphasizing Health Cultivation for the Elderly/25
Section 6  Modern and Contemporary Times—The Proliferation Stage/ 26
Chapter 3 Basic Concepts of TCM Health Cultivation/27
Section 1 View of Life/ 27
I. Correspondence Between Man and Nature/ 27
II. Holism of Body and Spirit/ 30
Section 2 Longevity and Death/32
I. Congenital Constitution/32
II. Postnatal Factors/33
Section 3 Concept of Health/ 35
I. Traditional Outlook on Health/35
II. Modern Outlook on Health/37
Chapter 4 Basic Principles of Health Cultivation in TCM/ 40
Section 1  Complying with Nature and Maintaining Harmony and Equilibrium of the Body/40
I. Complying with Nature/ 40
II. Maintaining Harmony and Equilibrium of the Body/ 41
Section 2  Protecting Healthy Qi and Keeping away from Pathogenic Factors/ 43
I. Protecting Healthy Qi/ 43
II. Keeping away from Pathogenic Factors/44
Section 3  Unif ication of Movement and Stillness and Conservation of the Body and Spirit/45
I. Conserving Spirit Through Stillness/ 45
II. Strengthening the Body Through Movement/46
III. Movement and Stillness Complementing Each Other/ 46
Section 4  Health Cultivation Based on the Causation Differentiation/ 47
I. Individual-Oriented Health Cultivation/47
II. Season-Oriented Health Cultivation/48
III. Environment-Oriented Health Cultivation/ 49
Section 5  Taking TCM Health Cultivation as the Basis, Integrating Chinese and Western
I. Comparison of Chinese and Western Concepts of Health Cultivation/ 50
II. Comparison of Chinese and Western Methods of Health Cultivation/ 50
III. Chinese and Western Health Cultivation Complementing Each Other/51
Section 6  Practicing Health Cultivation Comprehensively and Unremittingly/51
I. Practicing Health Cultivation Comprehensively/51
II. Unremitting Efforts/52
Part 2 Commonly Used Approaches of
TCM Health Cultivation
Chapter 5 Health Preservation Through the Cultivation of Emotions/ 56
Section 1 Introduction/56
Section 2 Principles/ 57
I. Conforming to Nature and Coordinating the Seven Emotions/ 57
II. Harmony Between Shen and Body/58
Section 3  Methods of Health Preservation Through Emotional Cultivation/60
I. Cultivating the Mind with Quietness/60
II. Nature and Virtue Cultivation/61
III. Mind Cultivation/62
IV. Following the Routine and Enjoying Customs/ 63
Section 4 Regulation of Unhealthy Emotions/ 64
I. The Method of Restraining/ 66
II. The Method of Venting/66
III. Persuasion/ 68
IV. Transference/ 68
Chapter 6 Health Cultivation Through Diet/71
Section 1 The Function of Diet in Health Cultivation/ 71
I. Restoring Healthy Qi and Recuperating Def iciency/71
II. Purging Away Excess Pattern and Eliminating Pathogenic Factors/72
III. Preventing Diseases and Health Cultivation/73
IV. Extending Life and Contributing to Longevity/73
Section 2 Principles of Health Cultivation through Diet/ 74
I. Reasonable Diet/74
II. Eating and Drinking Moderately/ 75
III. Having Meals Based on Pattern Differentiation/ 76
IV. Prudent Avoidances/77
Section 3  Health Cultivation in the While-Eating and After-Eating Processes/78
I. Mindfulness During Meals/ 78
II. Health Cultivation After Meals/78
Section 4 Drinking Tea or Alcohol Scientif ically/ 79
I. Drinking Tea Moderately/79
II. Drinking Alcohol in Moderation/ 80
Section 5 Introduction to Medicinal Cuisine/81
Chapter 7 Health Cultivation Based on Environment/87
Section 1 Adaptation to the Geographical Environment/87
I. The Seashore/ 88
II. The Highlands/88
III. The Plains/ 89
Section 2 Living Environment/ 90
I. Surrounding Environment/ 90
II. Living Environment/ 91
Section 3 Fengshui Theory and Health Cultivation/93
Chapter 8 Health Cultivation in Daily Life/95
Section 1 Qi Ju Regularly/ 95
I. Effects/ 96
II. Implementation/96
Section 2 Moderate Labor and Rest/ 97
I. Avoiding Overworking/97
II. Avoiding Too Much Leisure/98
Section 3 Sleeping in a Reasonable Manner/ 99
I. Health Cultivation Prior to Sleep/99
II. Sleep Environment/100
III. Health-Build up at Sleeping/ 101
Section 4 Normal Defecation and Urination/102
I. Keeping the Bowels Clear/102
II. Promoting Urination/102
Chapter 9 Health Cultivation Through Sex Life/104
Section 1 Sex Life and Health/104
Section 2 Principles of Sexual Activity/105
Section 3 Methods of Sexual Activity/107
Section 4 Taboos of Sexual Activity/ 109
Chapter 10 Health Cultivation with Dao Yin/ 112
Section 1 Function and Mechanism of Dao Yin/ 113
I. Mechanism of Dao Yin/113
II. Function of Dao Yin/ 113
Section 2 Principles and Requirements of Dao Yin/113
I. Principles of Dao Yin/113
II. Requirements of Dao Yin/ 114
Section 3 Examples of Dao Yin in Traditional Forms/115
I. Tai Ji Quan/115
II. Wu Qin Xi/ 116
III. Ba Duan Jin/117
IV. Yi Jin Jing/ 118
Section 4 Qi Gong Health Cultivation/119
I. Basic Theories/ 120
II. Practicing Principles/120
III. Common Patterns/ 120
Section 5 Other Aerobic Exercises/125
I. Swimming/ 125
II. Jogging/ 125
III. Walking/126
IV. Fitness Ball/ 126
Chapter 11 Health Cultivation Through Leisure/ 127
Section 1 Signif icance/ 127
Section 2 Approaches/129
I. Music Playing, Chess Playing, Calligraphy and Painting/ 129
II. Music and Dance/ 131
III. Gardening/ 133
IV. Fishing and Tourism/ 134
V. Hot Springs/135
VI. Other Approaches/ 136
Chapter 12 Health Cultivation through Bathing/ 137
Section 1 Water Bath/137
I. Effects/ 138
II. Classif ication and Application/138
Section 2 Medicated Bath/ 140
I. History/ 140
II. Function/ 142
III. Methods/142
IV. Precautions/ 143
V. Commonly Used Prescriptions/144
Section 3 Other Bath Modalities/ 145
I. Sand Bath/145
II. Mud Bath/ 146
III. Sun Bath/ 146
Chapter 13 Health Cultivation by TCM Medicinal Substances/ 148
Section 1 Mechanism/148
I. Balancing Yin and Yang/148
II. Prevention of Diseases/ 149
III. Conf irming and Protecting as Main Principles/149
Section 2 Principles/ 149
I. Tonifying Based on Pattern Differentiation/150
II. The Value of Mild Recuperation/150
III. Appropriate Tonif ication/150
IV. Small Dosage Preferred/151
Section 3 Life-Extension Medicines/151
I. Common Qi-Tonifying Medicines/151
II. Common Blood-Nourishing Medicines/ 154
III. Common Yin-Nourishing Medicines/ 156
IV. Common Yang-Tonifying Medicines/ 158
Section 4 Examples of Life-Extension Prescriptions/ 160
Chapter 14  Health Cultivation Through Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and
Tui Na/ 168
Section 1 Health Cultivation with Acupuncture/169
I. Function/169
II. Methods/ 170
III. Acupoints/170
IV. Principles/171
Section 2 Health Cultivation with Moxibustion/ 171
I. Function/172
II. Methods/ 173
III. Acupoints/173
IV. Principles/174
Section 3  Health Cultivation with Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage)/ 175
I. Function/175
II. Methods/ 176
III. Principles/181
Part 3 Clinical Guidance of TCM Health Cultivation
Chapter 15 Health Cultivation in Correspondence to Constitution/ 184
Section 1 Basic Concept/ 184
Section 2 Formation of Constitutions/ 185
I. Innate Factors/185
II. Postnatal Factors/186
Section 3 Classif ication/188
Section 4  Characteristics of the Nine Constitutions and Health Cultivation Strategies for
Each/ 188
I. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Balanced and Peaceful Constitution/189
II. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Qi-Def iciency Constitution/ 190
III. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Yang-Def iciency Constitution/191
IV. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Yin-Def iciency Constitution/ 193
V. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Phlegm-Dampness Constitution/ 194
VI. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Damp-Heat Constitution/195
VII. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Qi-Stagnation Constitution/ 197
VIII. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Blood Stasis Constitution/198
IX. Characteristics and Health Cultivation for the Allergic Constitution/199
Section 5  Evaluation Methods of the Nine Basic Constitution Types/200
I. Scoring Formula/200
II. Criteria for Determination/ 201
III. Constitutions in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CCMQ)/202
Chapter 16 Health Cultivation in Correspondence to Individuality/207
Section 1 Health Cultivation with Age/207
I. Health Cultivation for Infants/ 207
II. Health Cultivation for Children/ 209
III. Health Cultivation for Adolescents/209
IV. Health Cultivation in Middle Age/210
V. Health Cultivation for the Elderly/212
Section 2 Health Cultivation for Women/214
I. Healthcare in the Menstrual Period/ 214
II. Health Cultivation for the Pregnant/ 215
III. Healthcare in Puerperium/ 217
IV. Health Cultivation While Breast-Feeding/218
V. Health Cultivation in Menopause/219
Section 3 Healthcare for Mental Workers/220
I. Scientif ic Use of the Brain/220
II. Medicinal Diet for Brain Health/221
III. Exercise/223
Section 4 Healthcare for Manual Workers/ 223
I. Bilateral Balance/ 223
II. Dietary Adjustment/224
III. How to Take Effective Breaks/226
Chapter 17 Health Cultivation in Accordance with the Seasons/227
Section 1 Signif icance/ 227
Section 2 Principles/ 228
I. Complying with the Natural Rules of the Seasons/ 228
II. Comprehensive Care in Complying with the Four Seasons/228
Section 3 Health Cultivation in Spring/ 229
I. Health Maintenance in Daily Life/ 229
II. Maintenance with Emotion/230
III. Maintenance with Diet/ 231
IV. Maintenance Through Exercise/232
Section 4 Health Cultivation in Summer/233
I. Health Maintenance in Daily Life/ 234
II. Maintenance with Emotion/235
III. Maintenance with Diet/ 236
IV. Maintenance Through Exercise/236
Section 5 Health Cultivation in Autumn/ 237
I. Health Maintenance in Daily Life/ 237
II. Maintenance with Emotion/238
III. Maintenance with Diet/ 238
IV. Maintenance Through Exercise/239
Section 6 Health Cultivation in Winter/239
I. Health Maintenance in Daily Life/ 240
II. Maintenance with Emotion/241
III. Maintenance with Diet/ 241
IV. Maintenance Through Exercise/242
Chapter 18 Health Cultivation for Various Diseases/243
Section 1 Health Cultivation for Sub-health/243
I. Concept of Sub-health/ 243
II. Interventions for Sub-health/243
III. Role and Effect of TCM Health Cultivation in Sub-health Intervention/ 244
IV. Regulation of Common Sub-health Symptoms/245
Section 2 Health Cultivation for Diabetes Mellitus/ 250
I. Def inition of Diabetes Mellitus/250
II. TCM’s View of Diabetes Mellitus/ 251
III. Health Cultivation Methods for Diabetes Mellitus/252
Section 3 Health Cultivation for Hypertension/256
I. Def inition of Hypertension/ 256
II. TCM’s View of Hypertension/256
III. Health Cultivation Methods for Hypertension/ 257
