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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材研究生/本科/专科教材旅游资源学(双语版)



定 价:¥59.80

作 者: 黄潇婷
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568096089 出版时间: 2023-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 212 字数:  


  本教材以 标准《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》为逻辑主线,全书分为三篇十二章。 篇为基本概念与基本理论,包括旅游资源的概念和基本理论( 章)、旅游资源调查与评价的内容和方法(第二章);第二篇则按照 标准《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》中八个主类展开,分别为地文景观(第三章)、水文景观(第四章)、生物景观(第五章)、天象与气候景观(第六章)、遗址遗迹(第七章)、建筑与设施(第八章)、旅游商品(第九章)和人文活动(第十章);第三篇为旅游资源保护与开发的理论与实践,主要是拓展学生 思维,包括旅游资源的保护(第十一章)和旅游资源的开发(第十二章)。


  黄潇婷,女,教授,山东大学管理学院副院长,文化和旅游学系主任,文化和旅游方向博士研究生导师团队负责人,山东大学黄河 文化公园研究中心执行主任;世界运输大会旅游交通技术委员会 ,中国自然资源学会专业委员会委员,中国地理学会行为地理专业委员会委员,中国旅游景区协会专家委员会专家库专家。


Chapter 1 Basic Concept and Theory of Tourism Resources /001
1.1 Tourism Resources and New Tourism Resources View /003
1.1.1 The Study of Tourism Resources Concept /003
1.1.2 The Attributes of Tourism Resources /007
1.1.3 New Tourism Resources View /007
1.2 Tourism System and Tourism Products /008
1.2.1 Tourism System and Tourism Resources /008
1.2.2 Tourism Products /012
1.2.3 Tourism Product Life Cycle /014
1.3 Characteristics of Tourism Resources /016
1.3.1 Diversity /016
1.3.2 Territoriality /017
1.3.3 Comprehensiveness /019
1.3.4 Oriented Attractiveness /020
1.3.5 Ornamental Value /020
1.3.6 Cultural Value /021
1.3.7 Sustainability /022
1.3.8 Non?renewability /023
Chapter 2 Content and Method of Tourism Resource
Investigation and Evaluation /025
2.1 Content of Tourism Resources Investigation /026
2.1.1 Classification of Tourism Resources /026
2.1.2 Content /035
2.2 Models, Procedures and Methods of Tourism
Resources Investigation /037
2.2.1 Models of Investigation /037
2.2.2 Procedures of Investigation /039
2.2.3 Methods of Investigation /041
2.3 Evaluation of Tourism Resources /042
2.3.1 Purpose and Content of the Evaluation /043
2.3.2 Evaluation Criteria and Principles /044
2.2.3 Evaluation Methods /046
Chapter 3 Development and Protection of
Tourism Resources /049
3.1 Tourism Resources Development /050
3.1.1 Overview of Tourism Resources Development /050
3.1.2 Theoretical Basis of Tourism Resources Development /057
3.1.3 Tourism Resources Development Process /058
3.2 Protection of Tourism Resources /060
3.2.1 Destructive Factors of Tourism Resources /060
3.2.2 Tourism Resource Management /062
3.2.3 Protection Measures for Tourism Resources /064
3.3 Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources /065
3.3.1 Sustainable Development Concept of Tourism Resources /065
3.3.2 Barriers to Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources /067
3.3.3 Sustainable Development Path of Tourism Resources /070
Chapter 4 Geological Landscape /074
4.1 Overview of Geological Landscape /075
4.1.1 The Definition of Geological Landscape /075
4.1.2 The Features of Geological Landscape /076
4.1.3 The Implications of the Geological Landscape /077
4.2 The Typology of Geological Landscape /080
4.2.1 Natural Landscape Complex /081
4.2.2 Geological and Tectonic Traces /082
4.2.3 Surface Morphology /083
4.2.4 Natural Markers and Natural Phenomena /084
4.3 The Development and Utilization of Geological Landscape /085
4.3.1 Tourism Function of Geological Landscape /085
4.3.2 Geological Landscape Development /088
Chapter 5 Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism /092
5.1 Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism /093
5.1.1 The Definition of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism /093
5.1.2 The Major Activities of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism /093
5.1.3 Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism /094
5.2 Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism /095
5.2.1 The Definition of Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism /095
5.2.2 The Activities of Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism /095
5.2.3 Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism? Seaside Tourism /096
5.3 Water Tourism?Lake Tourism /098
5.3.1 The Definition of Water Tourism?Lake Tourism /098
5.3.2 The Activities of Water Tourism?Lake Tourism /098
5.3.3 Typical Issues and Concerns /098
5.4 Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism /099
5.4.1 The Definition of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism /099
5.4.2 The Activities of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism /100
5.4.3 Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism /100
Chapter 6 Biological and Climate Landscape /103
6.1 Biological Landscape as Tourism Resources /104
6.1.1 Definition of Biological Landscape /104
6.1.2 Biological Resources and Tourism /105
6.1.3 The Characteristics of Biological Resources /105
6.1.4 Categorizing Biological Landscapes for Tourism /110
6.1.5 Conservation Frameworks for Biological Resources /119
6.2 Climate Landscape as Tourism Resources /121
6.2.1 Defining Climate and Meteorology Tourism Resources /121
6.2.2 Characteristics of Climate and Meteorology Tourism Resources /122
6.2.3 Impact of Climate and Meteorology Elements on Tourism Activities /123
6.2.4 Categories of Climate Landscape Resources /124
Chapter 7 Heritage Tourism Resources /129
7.1 Overview of Heritage Resources /130
7.1.1 The Definition of Heritage /130
7.1.2 The Implications of Heritage Resources /132
7.2 The Typology of Heritage Tourism Resources /134
7.2.1 Natural Heritage /135
7.2.2 Tangible Cultural Heritage /137
7.2.3 Assessment of World Natural and Cultural Heritage /140
7.2.4 Intangible Cultural Heritage /141
7.2.5 Mixed Heritage /146
7.3 The Development and Protection of Heritage
Tourism Resources /148
7.3.1 The Development of Heritage Tourism Resources /148
7.3.2 The Protection of Heritage Tourism Resources /153
Chapter 8 Humanistic Activities /159
8.1 The Concept of Humanistic Activities /160
8.2 Personnel Records /162
8.3 Art /163
8.4 Folk Customs /165
8.5 Modern Festivals /168
8.6 Festivals and Events /169
8.7 Hometown/Residence of Celebrities /171
8.7.1 The Definitions of Hometown/Residence of Celebrities /171
8.7.2 The Activities of Hometown/Residence of Celebrities /172
8.8 Performance /173
8.8.1 The Definitions of Performance /173
8.8.2 The Activities of Performance /173
Chapter 9 Tourism Commodities /175
9.1 The Definitions and Attributes of Tourism Commodities /176
9.1.1 The Definitions of Tourism Commodities /176
9.1.2 The Fundamental Types of Tourism Commodities /179
9.1.3 The Attributes of Tourism Commodities /180
9.2 Tourism Handicrafts /181
9.2.1 The Definitions of Tourism Handicrafts /181
9.2.2 The Fundamental Types of Tourism Handicrafts /182
9.2.3 The Attributes of Tourism Handicrafts /183
9.3 Souvenirs /184
9.3.1 The Definitions of Souvenirs /184
9.3.2 The Fundamental Types of Souvenirs /185
9.3.3 The Attributes of the Souvenirs /186
9.4 Specialties /187
9.4.1 The Definitions of Specialties /187
9.4.2 The Fundamental Types of Specialties /188
9.4.3 The Attributes of Specialties /188
9.5 Tourism Supplies and Consumables /188
9.5.1 The Definitions of Tourism Supplies and Consumables /189
9.5.2 The Fundamental Types of Tourism Supplies and Consumables /189
9.5.3 The Attributes of Tourism Supplies and Consumables /189
