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点击职业英语 职业英语模块 旅游英语(第二版)

点击职业英语 职业英语模块 旅游英语(第二版)

定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 彭华
出版社: 大连理工大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787568535342 出版时间: 2023-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 155 字数:  




暂缺《点击职业英语 职业英语模块 旅游英语(第二版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Green Hand at Workshop - Stepping into Tourism Industry
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 2 Airport- the Starting Point of a Journey
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 3 Travel Agency - We Arranging, You Communicating
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 4 Hotel - Making Your Lodging Homey and Livable
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 5 Sightseeing - Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 6 Dining - Tasting Something Different
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 7 Shopping - Asking for More
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
Unit 8 Entertaining - Taking Time to Indulge
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Profession Zoom In
Part Ⅲ Career Zoom In
Part Ⅳ Real-life Practice
