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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语四六级新发展应用型大学英语阅读教程3(智慧云版)



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 窦同沛,武书敬
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787576322361 出版时间: 2023-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  本教程第3册共10个单元,每单元包含3片相关主题的文章,分别是Text A、Text B、Text C。每篇文章后都有练习题,分Section I、Section II两部分,题型尽可能与大学英语四、六级考试题型相一致,满足学生四六级考试的需求。每个单元的Text A后的练习题Section I是10个段落信息匹配题,Section II是根据课文内容的5个单选题。每个单元的Text B后的练习题Section I是5个对课文理解的单选题,Section II是有关课文中词汇理解的5个单选题。每个单元的Text C后的练习题Section I是5个对课文理解的单选题,Section II包含Part One 和Part Two两部分。Part One 是2个有关课文内容的Comprehensive Questions, Part Two是2个与课文相关的拓展题Independent Thinking Questions。对练习题都提供了参考答案。


  窦同沛,硕士,副教授,外国语学院副院长。省 专业建设点负责人,省精品课程《大学英语》第二位, 主讲教师。研究方向:英语语言教学、二语习得、翻译等。自1988年以来从事高校英语教学与管理工作至今,主要讲授课程:精读、 英语、大学英语、英语语法、英语教学法、英语写作、英语学术论文写作、英语快速阅读等课程。2004年至今于滨州学院任教英语。编著出版《语篇分析入门》、《英语写作教程》、《英语快速阅读》、《研究生英语考试辅导》等著作、教材、辅导教材,发表论文二十余篇,立项省社科项目1项,参与 、省、市厅级教学科研项目十余项,获市厅级、校级教学科研成果奖多项。


Unit 1 Education
Text A Philosophies of Education: Three Types of Student-centered Philosophies
Text B Science Education for a New Age
Text C Two-way Education Communication Expands
Unit 2 Media and Art
Text A Art Attack
Text B Increase Art Sales, Innovative Options
Text C Social Media--An Inviting Target for Cybercriminals
Unit 3 Leisure and Entertainment
Text A Review: iPad Apps Cool, But How Many Will You Buy
Text B The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life
Text C Never Judge a Person by Appearances
Unit 4 Urban and Rural Life
Text A How and When to Make a Decision
Text B My Life's Sentences
Text C Smartphone Power Struggles: Will We Ever Have Battery-free Mobiles
Unit 5 Custom and Tradition
Text A Possibilities Are Endless in Shanxi to Celebrate Lunar New Year
Text B Chinese Tea Tradition
Text C Shadow Play
Unit 6 Finance and Economy
Text A The Development of China's Foreign Trade Contributes to the World Economy
Text B How Banks Are Getting Richer off the Poor
Text C How a Financial Educator Manages His Own Money
Unit 7 Transportation and Communications
Text A Modem Decline of Railroads
Text B Self-organized Traffic Light Control System
Text C Smart Transportation
Unit 8 Social Problems
Text A Work Wise
Text B The Pros and Cons of Online Dating
Text C Motivating Your Teen to Stay Active
Unit 9 World Natural and Cultural Heritage in China
Text A A Mountain That Scales China's History
Text B Museum Face-lift to Offer New Perspective of Great Wall
Text C Foundation Laid for Fuzhou to Preserve Its Culture
Unit 10 Chinese Literature
Text A The Ancient Book Inspires Modem World
Text B Bringing Beauty of Chinese Poems to World
Text C Secrets of the Nobel Prize in Literature
