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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 袁轶锋,姜威
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787309164046 出版时间: 2023-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 193 字数:  






Unit 1 uni Life
Text A \"You Need Someone on the Inside\"
Text B How to Be a Sustainable Student
Text C How to Pick the Right Uni Subject to Boost Your Job Prospects
Reflection and Extension
Unit 2 Rising Tech Kids
Text A Coding the Future: The Tech Kids Solving Life's Problems (Part A)
Text B Coding the Future: The Tech Kids Solving Life's Problems (Part B)
Text C Highest-paid Child Influencer on Social Media
Reflection and Extension
Unit 3 Success
Text A Why First Year at Uni Is a Make-or-Break Experience?
Text B Skill vs Luck: Who Really Deserves the Rewards from Success?
Text C Playing Nice at Work Could Cost You Success
Reflection and Extension
Unit 4 Holidays
Text A A-to-E Guide for a Healthy Holiday
Text B Nine Tips to Make Your Holidays More Festive
Text C Why You Are Checking Work Emails on Holidays and How to Stop
Reflection and Extension
Unit 5 Online learning
Text A 6 Ways to Make the Most of School Online
Text B 3 Ways Students Can Get the Most from Searching Online
Text C Lab Experiments in the Pandemic Moved Online or Mailed Home
Reflection and Extension
Unit 6 Languages
Text A Renaming English
Text B Are Americans Destroying the English Language?
Text C Translation Technology Should Not Replace Learning Languages
Reflection and Extension
Unit 7 Keoping Healthy in COVJD –19
Text A Social Distancing Taking Its Toll on Mental Health
Text B Safe Exercise Options in COVID–19 Pandemic
Text C Five Apps Helping You Stay Social in COVID-19 Isolation
Reflection and Extension
Unit 8 Pandemic and Digital Transformation
Text A The Virus Changed the Way We Internet
Text B How COVID–19 Pushed the Digital Transformation Agenda Ahead
Text C How the COVID–19 Pandemic Is Fast-tracking Digital Transformation
Reflection and Extension
Unit 9 Cultural Diversity
Text A New School Program Allowing Multicultural Students to Share Stories and
Text B Culturally Diverse University Matters
Text C How Universities Can Teach Their Students to Respect Different Cultures
Reflection and Extension
Online Shopping
Unit 10
Text A Guilt-free Online Shopping
Text B How to Become a Professional Shopper
Text C Cannot Resist Splurging on Online Shopping?
Reflection and Extension
Unit 11 Mental Health Therapy
Text A Dog Therapy: What I Have Learned Overseeing 60 Canine Campus Teams
Text B Resilience Classes Aim to Improve Mental Health of a Generation
Text C Phone Addiction Is Real - And So Are Its Mental Health Risks
Reflection and Extension
Unit 12 Technologios and life
Text A How Marketers Use Algorithms to Read Your Mind
Text B Your Phone Can Fix Its Own Smashed Screen
Text C Would You Eat a 3D Printed Pizza?
Reflection and Extension
Unit 13 Technology of Business
Text A Keeping Rats out of Kitchens and Bedbugs out of Hotels
Text B New Ways to Help lll Pets
Text C What Can You Use instead of Google and Facebook?
Reflection and Extension
Unit 14
Cololrity Scientists
Text A Is the 2015 Nobel Prize a Turning Point for Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Text B The Father of Hybrid Rice
Text C Sky-high Ambition
Reflection and Extension
Unit 15 Waste Management
Text A Meet One of Thailand's Trash Heroes
Text B China's Waste Ban:\"An OpportUnit y for Innovation\"
Text C Can We Fix Our Way out of the Growing E-Waste Problem?
Reflection and Extension
Unit 16 Green Life
Text A Food Waste: Using Sustainable Innovation to Cut Down What We Throw Away
Text B Green School Students Make Biofuel for Bali Buses
Text C Is a Substitute for Plastic Coming Any Time Soon?
Reflection and Extension
Suggested Answers
