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21世纪大学英语阅读教程第2册(S版 理工类 第2版)

21世纪大学英语阅读教程第2册(S版 理工类 第2版)

定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 易舫,苗淼
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787309166750 出版时间: 2023-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 163 字数:  


  《21世纪大学英语》(S版)系列教材根据 颁发的 《大学英语课程教学要求》和《中国英语能力等级量表》以及我国高等院校人才培养特点和教学改革的 成果编写而成,突出教育必须立德树人的时代要求,重视教学内容的实用性和针对性,在帮助学生培养正确的世界观、人生观和价值观的同时,将语言基础能力的培养与实际涉外交际能力的训练有机地结合起来,以满足21世纪 化社会经济发展对高等院校人才的要求。本书为《阅读教程(理工类)(第2版)》第1册,教材的编写以《大学英语教学指南》为指导,所选材料突出理工高校学科属性,兼具工具性和人文性,并以各学科专业领域基础知识为主,涵盖了科学技术、能源材料、环境气候、 金融、 倡议、教育旅游等。本册共8课,每课围绕一个学科专业主题选取了4篇文章,文后配有相关练习,包括阅读理解题、简答题、翻译题、讨论题及大学英语四级考试阅读题型练习。文章长度和难易度适中,可作为理工高校相关专业学生的英语阅读教材,也可供相关学科专业技术人员和英语爱好者学习时参考。


暂缺《21世纪大学英语阅读教程第2册(S版 理工类 第2版)》作者简介


Lesson One Higher Education
Part Ⅰ Text
What Makes a Good University Degree Program?
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Artificial Intelligence Will Change Higher Education
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
What Is Higher Education
Part IV Critical Thinking
The Pursuit of Truth and the Mission of the University
Lesson Two Literature
Part Ⅰ Text
George Eliot
Part Ⅱ Information Match
The Literary World of Toni Morrison
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
To Be or Not to Be
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
J. K. Rowling's Harvard Commencement Speech
Lesson Three Economy
Part Ⅰ Text
The Belt and Road Initiative
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Belt and Road Lights Up Global Growth
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Rural Vitalization Reaping Bountiful Harvest
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
How China's Growth Drives \"Growbalization\"
Lesson Four Law and Humanity
Part Ⅰ Text
5 Basic Functions of Law in the Society
Part Ⅱ Information Match
The Constitution as Supreme Law
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Types of Law
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
Improving Future by Advancing Legal Education for China's
Secondary Students
Lesson Five New Materials
Part Ⅰ Text
Reprintable Paper Becoming a Reality
Part Ⅱ Information Match
New \"Sponge\" Material Could Trap Power Plant Pollution
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
A Better Battery ? The Lithium Ion Cell Gets Supercharged
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
Nanotechnology Offers New Ways to Fight an Endless
Lesson Six Geology
Part Ⅰ Text
The Science of Earthquakes
Part Ⅱ Information Match
The Quake Next Door
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Geological Surveys Play Significant Role in Poverty
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
Geologist Li Yizu
Lesson Seven Resources
Part Ⅰ Text
The Water Crisis
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Ditching the Grid for Solar
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Rooftop Wind Power Might Take off by Using Key Principle of
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
Yangtze River Belt Thriving under Reforms
Lesson Eight Arts
Part Ⅰ Text
Musicians and Music in the Time of Pandemic
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Dough Figurines Cream of Traditional Chinese Culture
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Fire Painting Artist Burns His Art
Part Ⅳ Critical Thinking
Palace Lantern
Appendix Key to the Exercises
