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现代大学英语(第三版 精读 4)

现代大学英语(第三版 精读 4)

定 价:¥74.90

作 者: 陈崛斌,李朝晖
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787521341515 出版时间: 2022-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 338 字数:  


  精良选材,精心设计,在潜移默化中塑造学生正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,培养思辨能力,提升综合文化素养,落实立德树人根本任务。传承原版教材对语言的精细训练,在语言练习编写上注意纵向连贯和横向配合,循序渐进,梯度合理,语言训l练 具系统性。选文体裁多元、题材丰富、内容新颖,涉及人际关系、社会文化、人与自然等各个方面,主题深刻,议题广泛,重视文化内涵和人文价值。依托外研社“U校园智慧教学云平台”全新开发数字课程,倡导混合式教学模式,引导学生养成自主学习习惯,助力教师打造智慧课堂。


暂缺《现代大学英语(第三版 精读 4)》作者简介


Unit 1
Text A Thinking as a Hobby
Text B The Pleasures of Learning
Unit 2
Text A Spring Sowing
Text B The Earth Poet
Unit 3
Text A Groundless Beliefs
Text B Corn-pone Opinions
Unit 4
Text A Lions and Tigers and Bears
Text B Two Cities
Unit 5
Text A The Telephone
Text B The HQur of Letdown
Unit 6
Text A The Woods Were Tossing with Jewels
Text B Too Soon a Woman
Unit 7
Text A Economic Growth Is a Path to Perdition, Not Prosperity.
Text B All This Progress Is Killing Us, Bite by Bite
Unit 8
Text A The Damned Human Race
Text B A String of'Beads
Unit 9
Text A The World House
Text B None of This Is Fair
Unit 10
Text A Soldier's Heart
Text B Secrets
Unit 11
Text A What Isn't for Sale?
Text B Could You Live with Less?
Unit 12
Text A Man of the Moment
Text B Is Everybody Happy?
