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21世纪大学英语长篇阅读(思政版 第一册)

21世纪大学英语长篇阅读(思政版 第一册)

定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 段国重
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787309161694 出版时间: 2022-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 140 字数:  


  本系列教材难度循序渐进, 册主要注重强化学生的英语基础,每篇文章约1000词,介绍中西文化、政治等领域的普遍现象和问题,以与学生日常学习、生活联系紧密的主题为切入点提高其语言能力和人文素养;本册由8个篇章组成,涵盖上述8个主题。每个篇章由3篇阅读文章组成,每篇文章右侧专设一栏,为疑难词汇和术语提供释义;每篇文章后面均配有SectionA和SectionB两道阅读理解练习题,以检测并帮助提高学生的阅读效果。练习设计形式与大学英语四、六级考试长篇阅读保持一致,SectionA均为语义匹配题,SectionB为句子翻译、段落翻译、选词填空、回答问题、单项选择等题型中的一种。


暂缺《21世纪大学英语长篇阅读(思政版 第一册)》作者简介


Unit 1
Passage One Lifelong Learning:How to
Continuously Learn and Grow
Passage Two Investigating Children Language
Passage Three China Released“Double Reduction”
Unit 2
Policy in Education Sector Society
Passage One China Lifts 770 Million Rural
People out of Poverty
Passage Two How Transportation Sector Drove China's
Fast Development,and ViceVersa
Passage Three China Endeavors to Create More
Unit 3
Comfortable Living Environment for
PeoplebyExpeditingUrbanRenewal Economy
Passage One China’S Role in Reducing Global Inflation Positive
Passage Two Love and Loss
Passage Three Expo to Spur China—CEEC trade
Science and Technology
Unit 4
Passage One China Aims for Peaceful
Use of Space Exploration
Passage Two China Aims for Breakthroughs
in Chip Sector
Passage Three China’s On—Demand Economv
Unit 5
Booms with Tech Drive Culture
Passage One Get a Fresh Start:This New
Year’s Eve with These Cultural Traditions
Passage Two “Lively,Fun and Witty”,Chubby
MascotIs Star at Beijing
Passage Three Seven Most Popular Chinese
Cooking Methods Politics
Unit 6
Passage One Social Support
Passage Two Sierra Leone,China Reap
Benefits of Friendship
Passage Three Stalwart Grower Literature
Unit 7
Passage One The Gift of the Magi (Excerpt)
Passage Two The Scarlet Leter (Excerpt)
Passage Three Hard Times (Excerpt)
Unit 8
Passage One Confucianism
Passage Two Plato and Aristotle
Passage Three The Hundred Schools
