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定 价:¥69.90

作 者: 薛家宝
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787521332544 出版时间: 2022-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 221 字数:  


  《应用英语教程综合英语1》为高等学校英语专业基础教材,适用于综合英语课程。本教材融听说读写为一体,每个单元含有两篇主题相近、角度不同的选篇。其中,Text A作为精读课文,配有课前拓展学习任务,课文后面配有课文注释、词汇表、重难点讲解和练习。练习层层深入,在充分理解选篇内涵和外延的基础上,配有大量的词汇、语法和翻译方面的练习,以夯实学生的语言基本功。此外,还有专门的口语和写作板块,用以加强学生的口头和笔头表达能力。 Text B作为泛读选篇,目的在于提高学生的自主学习能力和思辨能力,通过设置适合自主学习的题目,加强学生的自我学习能力。此外,还配有课文主题欣赏和写作分析的板块,以提高学生的文本分析能力和写作水平。


  薛家宝,盐城师范学院原院长、博士、教授,江苏省高等学校教学名师,江苏省重点建设学科\"比较文学与世界文学\"首席学科带头人。长期致力于英语语言文学的教学与科研工作。为本科生讲授基础英语、 英语、口语、英美文学等课程,为硕士研究生讲授英美诗歌、英美小说等课程。


UNIT 1 Choices in Life P2
Text A We Are What We Choose
Text B Finding a Vision
UNIT 2 Passion and Ambition P20
Text A Unconventional Wisdom: Why Passion Matters
Text B How a Disastrous Trip Inspired a Passion to Make My Business Succeed
UNIT 3 Self-Esteem P38
Text A The Ugly Truth About Beauty
Text B Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement
UNIT 4 Online Shopping P56
Text A Building a Better Shopping Experience
Text B The World’s Biggest Online Shopping Day
UNIT 5 Hero and Heroism P74
Text A What Is Heroism, and Why Does It Matter?
Text B Best of the Best: Pilot Said to Have Drawn On Air Force Training to Land Sichuan Airlines

UNIT 6 Customs Services P90
Text A How Customs Works: Duty Calls
Text B \"Hackathon\" Innovation Potential Tested by Finnish Customs
UNIT 7 Facing Difficulties P108
Text A A Whisper of AIDS
Text B Hearing for the First Time
UNIT 8 Stories and Surprises P126
Text A The Cop and the Anthem
Text B The Story of an Hour
UNIT 9 Marketing Strategies P144
Text A NYC Travel: The Hotel Elysée
Text B Position Yourselves with Power to Influence Customers’ Buying Decision
UNIT 10 Man and Nature P162
Text A The Sea Runs Red with Blood After Tribal Whale Hunt
Text B The Story of Silent Spring

UNIT 11 Pursuit of Freedom P182
Text A How Frederick Douglass Escaped Slavery
Text B The Freedom Givers
UNIT 12 English as a Global Language P200
Text A A Language That Europe Must Embrace
Text B Why \"World Englishes\" and Not \"World English\"?
