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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语旅游英语



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 王运平,廖志儒
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787516756782 出版时间: 2023-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 158 字数:  






Chapter One Preparation Stage 准备阶段
Unit 1 Planning a Trip 旅行计划
Unit 2 The Way of Travel 旅行方式
Unit 3 Booking Flight Tickets 机票预订
Unit 4 Unit 4 Hotel Reservation 酒店预订
Chapter Two Taking a Flight 乘机
Unit 1 Going to the Airport 去机场
Unit 2 Checking in 办理登机手续
Unit 3 Boarding 登机
Unit 4 Enjoying the In–flight Meals and Services 享受机上餐食和服务
Chapter Three Accommodation 住宿
Unit 1 Reception 登记入住
Unit 2 Showing the Room 客房迎宾服务
Unit 3 Cleaning the Room 客房打扫服务
Unit 4 Laundry Services 洗衣服务
Unit 5 Room Services 送餐服务
Unit 6 Wake-up Services 叫醒服务
Unit 7 Checking out 退房
Chapter Four Catering Service 餐饮服务
Unit 1 Booking a Table 餐桌预订
Unit 2 Greeting the Guests 餐厅迎客服务
Unit 3 Taking Orders 点菜
Unit 4 Services During the Meal 席间服务
Unit 5 Bar Services 酒水服务
Unit 6 Paying the Bill 结账
Chapter Five Transportation 交通
Unit 1 Toking a Taxi 乘出租车
Unit 2 Taking a Bus 乘公交车
Unit 3 Taking High-speed Railway 乘高铁
Unit 4 Taking the Subway 乘地铁
Unit 5 Renting a Car 租车
Unit 6 Taking a Sightseeing Bus 乘观光巴士
Chapter Six Sightseeing 旅游观光
Unit 1 Visiting Scenic Spots 参观景点
Unit 2 Going Mountain Climbing 去爬山
Unit 3 Playing Golf 打高尔夫球
Unit 4 At the Beach 在海滩
Unit 5 Going to a Bar 去酒吧
Unit 6 Hot Spring Resort 温泉胜地
Unit 7 Going on a Cruise 乘游轮旅游
Chapter Seven Shopping 购物
Unit 1 Going Shopping 去购物
Unit 2 Buying Local Products 购买当地特产
Unit 3 At the Duty-free Shop 在免税店
Unit 4 Buying Electronic Products 购买电子产品
Unit 5 Bargaining 讨价还价
Chapter Eight Emergency 应急
Unit 1 Looking for a Restroom 找洗手间
Unit 2 Getting Injured and Falling Sick 受伤与生病
Unit 3 Seeing the Doctor 看医生
