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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语土地整治工程专业英语



定 价:¥49.80

作 者: 张建军,付梅臣
出版社: 中国农业出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787109303744 出版时间: 2023-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 312 字数:  


  《土地整治工程专业英语》作为普通高等教育农业农村部“十三五”规划教材,是“土地整治工程”专业的配套教材。全书立足于满足我国国土空间治理专业人才国际化培养要求和行业发展需求,系统整合了土地整治工程研究的 前沿和动态发展,通过引入 土地整治及国土空间治理技术领域的基础理论、 技术、成功案例,使学生掌握该领域的专业词汇、英语表达、阅读翻译以及 技术思想、经验和案例。全书从土地整治工程全过程系统介绍了土地整治工程的专业基础知识、概念及类型、专项规划与实施、项目规划设计、项目施工与管理、现代技术、政策与制度等内容,并兼顾考虑了土地整治工程有关土地经济、产权和制度等社会经济知识及现代技术应用等前沿技术。本教材适用于全国高等院校土地整治工程、土地资源管理和国土空间规划等自然资源管理类本科专业。




Section A General Knowledge
1 Land and Land Use
1.1 Land
1.2 Land Use
1.3 Land Classifications
2 Land Investigation and Evaluation
2.1 Land Investigation
2.2 Land Evaluation
3 Land Rights and Valuation
3.1 Land Rights
3.2 Land Valuation
4 Global Land Use and the Impacts
4.1 Global Land Use Change/Cover
4.2 Impacts of Land Use Change
4.3 Coping Capacities of Land Systems
Section B Definitions and Categories
5 Land Use Engineering
5.1 Definitions and Objectives
5.2 Main Tasks
6 Land Development
6.1 Definitions
6.2 Agricultural Land Development
6.3 Built-up Land Development
6.4 Wasteland Development
7 Land Consolidation
7.1 Definitions
7.2 Land Consolidation Procedure
7.3 Agricultural Land Consolidation
7.4 Urban Land Consolidation
8 Land Reclamation and Ecological Rehabilitation
8.1 Definitions
8.2 Mine Reclamation
8.3 Soil Improvement and Remediation
8.4 Ecological Rehabilitation
Landscape and Environmental
9.1 Land Degradation
9.2 Soil Erosion Controlling and
9.3 Combating Desertification
9.4 Landscape Engineering
9.5 Green Infrastructure Practices
9.6 Contaminated Land in the United Kingdom
Section C Planning and Implementation
10 Territorial Planning
10.1 Definitions
10.2 Objectives and Tasks
10.3 Process and Implementation
11 Natural Resources Management Planning
11.1 LandUse Planning
11.2 Water Resources Management Planning
11.3 Forest Management Planning
11.4 Mineral Resources Management Planning
11.5 Wetland Protection and Conservation Planning
11.6 Protection and Conservation Planning of Coastal Zones
11.7 Protection and Conservation Planning of Islands
12 Planning in Urban Renewal and Rural Development
12.1 Urban Renewal Planning
12.2 Rural Development Planning
12.3 Farm Planning
12.4 Empirical Cases
Section D Project Design, Construction and Management
13 Land Leveling
13.1 What Is the Land Leveling
13.2 How Can You Get the Land Leveled
14 Farming Systems
14.1 Field Design
14.2 Irrigation and Drainage System
14.3 Road Networks Design
14.4 Protection Forest Allocation
15 Mine Reclamation Designs
15.1 Dump Site Design
15.2 Mine Subsidence Design
15.3 Coal Gangue Heaps Design
15.4 Slope Design in Reclaiming Mines
16 Urban Block and Village Designs
16.1 Urban Block Design
16.2 Village Design
17 Public Infrastructure and Utility Improvement
17.1 Public Infrastructure Improvement
17.2 International Public Infrastructure
18 Project Management
18.1 Definitions
18.2 Quality Management
18.3 Cost Management
18.4 Risk Management
18.5 Budget Management
Section E Modern Techniques
19 Land Surveying and Monitoring
19.1 Land Surveying
19.2 Remote Sensing
19.3 Global Navigation Satellite System
19.4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
19.5 Ground Penetrating Radar
20 Information Management and Stimulation System
20.1 Geographic Information System
20.2 Virtual Reality System
21 Physical, Chemical and Biological Measures
21.1 Physical Measures
21.2 Chemical Measures
21.3 BiologicalMeasures
Section F Institutions and Policies
22 Regulation and Institutional Framework of Land Consolidation
22.1 Key Features of Land Consolidation Law
22.2 Institutional Framework
23 Policies in Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation
23.1 Citizen Participation of Land Consolidation of Bavaria Germany
23.2 Land Reclamation Regulations for Surface Mining in the United States
