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作 者: 古丽米娜
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育新能源类十四五精品系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787522610535 出版时间: 2022-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 150 字数:  






Solar Energy
Part Ⅰ Photovoltaic
Chapter 1 Photovoltaic overview
1.1 Photovoltaic (PV) history
1.2 Status of photovoltaics
1.3 Applications of photovoltaics
1.4 Technology trends
Chapter 2 Principle of photovoltaic
2.1 P-n Junction of the solar cells
2.2 Solar cell types
2.3 The structure and working mechanism of the solar cells
2.4 The fundamental characteristics of the solar cells
Chapter 3 Solar cells
3.1 Silicon-based solar cells
3.2 Inorganic compound solar cells
3.3 Novel organic semiconductor thin film solar cells
3.4 Concentrator solar cells
Chapter 4 PV Modules
4.1 The definition and types of PV modules
4.2 Module structure
4.3 Encapsulation technology
Chapter 5 PV Systems
5.1 PV systems and types
5.2 Stand -alone PV systems
5.3 Grid connected PV systems
5.4 Hybrid power systems
Part Ⅱ Solar Thermal Energy
Chapter 6 Solar thermal energy overview
6.1 The brief history of solar thermal energy
6.2 Solar thermal power generation system
Chapter 7 Solar thermal power generation system
7.1 Brief introduction of solar thermal power generation
7.2 Parabolic trough solar thermal power system
7.3 Tower solar thermal power system
7.4 Dish solar thermal power system
7.5 Linear Fresnel solar thermal power system
Chapter 8 Solar heating and cooling system
8.1 Solar heating system
8.2 Passive solar heating system
8.3 Solar cooling system
Chapter 9 Non- concentrating solar collector
9.1 Flat plate collector
9.2 Evacuated tube solar collector
Chapter 10 Solar thermal energy storage materials
10.1 Overview of solar thermal energy storage materials
10.2 Sensible heat storage material
10.3 Phase change materials
10.4 Heat storage by chemical reaction
Chapter 11 Practical application of solar thermal technology
