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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史民族史志西域文史(第十七辑)



定 价:¥208.00

作 者: 朱玉麒
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030764638 出版时间: 2023-10-01 包装: 平装胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






汉唐西域城市研究 1
亭长王闳等逃亡何处?——从东汉初年的一份劾状说起 49
突厥第二汗国时期的突厥认同研究——以古突厥如尼文碑铭为中心 71
释迦苦行像的“表法”奥义 89
汉译佛经中的薄知国——婆佉梨、薄佉利与博喝罗 99
汉文禅观文献与蒙古语禅经的比较研究——基于《五门禅经要用法》《思惟略要法》和《禅秘要法经》 123
北朝至隋入华粟特石质葬具所见亭、帐图像研究 135
每把弓(每副马镫)都是不同的——匈人与蒙古人的军事技术比较 179
质孙服与元代赐衣——谈汪世显家族墓M4出土冠服 197
新疆喀什阿帕克和卓麻扎门楼上的一*波斯语纪年诗 209
伊利汗国早期史料《蒙古消息》译注 227
拉施特的成吉思汗先祖世系修撰 253
《史选胜利记》中所见察合台系诸王谱系史料流变考 265
西域发现唐代抄目再研究 295
《西域地理图说》的满汉合璧问题 313
晚近湖湘学人徐鼎藩、徐崇立父子的西域金石文史研究——以《瓻翁题跋》为中心 327
清朝外务部向第二次大谷探险队颁发护照及相关问题研究 341
相知无远近——黄文弼致徐旭生信札四通研究 365
《西域文史》第十七辑著译者单位及文章索引 387
《西域文史》简介与稿约 388
Ancient Cities in the Western Regions during the Han and Tang Dynasties 1
Where Did the Head of Local Pavilion Wang Hong and Others Escape:A Study Based on an Indictment in the Early Eastern Han Dynasty 49
Who Are the Türks? Centering on the Investigation of Türkic Identity in Runic Inscriptions of the Second Türkic Khanate 71
The Meaning of the “Manifestation” of Ascetic Sakyamuni Statues 89
On the Area around Balkh in Chinese Buddhist Scriptures: Poquli, Boquli and Boheluo 99
A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Meditation Texts and Pozdneyev’s Mongolian Manual: Focusing on the Five Gates, the Abridged Essentials, and the Secret Essentials 123
Images of Pavilions and Tents on the Stone Funerary Utensils of Migrated Sogdians from the Northern Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty 135
One Bow (or Stirrup) Is Not Equal to Another: A Comparative Look at Hun and Mongol Military Technologies 179
Jisun and Clothes Bestowed in the Yuan Dynasty: About the Clothes and Hats Unearthed from M4 of Wang Shixian Family Tomb 197
A Study of a Persian Chronogram Poem Inscription on the Gateway of āfāq Khwāja Mazār in Kashghar, Xinjiang 209
Translation and Annotations of Akhbār-i Mughulān 227
The Ancestor Genealogy of Genghis Khan: Comparative Study of Shu.ab-i Panjgāna and The Mongol History in Jāmi’al-tavārīkh 253
On the Genealogy of the Chahghatai Khan’s Lineage in T.wari.-i Guzid. Nusr.tnāma 265
Restudy on Chaomu of the Tang Dynasty Discovered in the Western Regions 295
The Manchu-Chinese Bilingual Writing of The Illustrated Geography of the Western Regions 313
Epigraphic Researches Concerning the Western Regions by Xu Dingfan and Xu Chongli: Focus on The Preface and Postscript of Chiweng 327
The Issuance of Passports to the Second Otani Expedition by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Qing Dynasty and Some Related Problems 341
A Study on Four Letters Written by Huang Wenbi to Xu Xusheng 365
Contributors 387
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions 388
