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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材研究生/本科/专科教材数字逻辑概论(英文版)



定 价:¥69.00

作 者: 陈娟,文泉 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787301343692 出版时间: 2023-09-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  数字逻辑是计算机专业的必修课程,本教材采用英文编写,以逻辑代数的函数方法为基础,通过大量实践案例和集成电路芯片的应用,系统介绍了数字逻辑的基本理论、数字电路的分析和设计方法。本教材共八章,内容包含Number Systems and Codes、Logical Algebra、Digital Circuit、Combinational Logic Circuit、Flip-flop、Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit、Verilog Implementation of Logic Circuit以及Memory and Programmable Logic Device。其中,Verilog Implementation of Logic Circuit与计算机学科后续课程(如计算机组成原理、计算机体系结构、微机接口技术等)衔接紧密,能帮助学生准备先导知识。本教材配套资源成熟,配有慕课视频、PPT和授课大纲等数字化资源。本教材可作为高等学校计算机专业大类的本科生、留学本科生的数字逻辑课程教材,也可供从事数字电路研究与应用的科技工作者学习参考。




Chapter One Number Systems and Codes
1.1 Number Systems
1.2 Number Conversion
1.3 Signed Binary Numbers
1.4 Addition and Subtraction of Signed Binary Numbers
1.5 Numerical Codes

Chapter Two Logical Algebra
2.1 Three Basic Functions of Logical Algebra
2.2 Laws and Rules of Logical Algebra
2.3 Compound Functions of Logical Algebra
2.4 Positive Logic and Negative Logic
2.5 Forms and Transformation of Logic Function
2.6 Simplification of Logic Function by Formula
2.7 Simplification of Logic Function by Kmap

Chapter Three Digital Circuit
3.1 CMOS Transistor
3.2 Basic Logic Gates Implemented by CMOS Transistor
3.3 Other Types of Logic Gates in Digital Circuit
3.4 Unused Input of CMOS Circuit
3.5 Electrical Characteristics
3.6 TTL Transistor
3.7 Interface Compatibility of CMOS and TTL Transistors

Chapter Four Combinational Logic Circuit
4.1 Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuit
4.2 Design of Combinational Logic Circuit
4.3 Universal Logic Gates
4.4 Arithmetic Circuits
4.5 Code Converter
4.6 Numerical Comparator
4.7 Encoder
4.8 Decoder
4.9 4 to 1 Line Data Selector (Multiplexer)
4.10 Hazard of Combinational Logic Circuit

Chapter Five Flip flop
5.1 Definition of Flip flop
5.2 RS Flip flop
5.3 D Flip flop
5.4 JK Flip flop
5.5 Integrated Flip flop
5.6 The Other Types of Flip flop
5.7 Conversion Between Different Types of Flip flops

Chapter Six Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit
6.1 Definition of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit
6.2 Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit
6.3 State Simplification
6.4 Counter
6.5 Register
6.6 ShiftRegister Counter
6.7 Sequence Generator
6.8 Sequence Detector
6.9 Code Detector

Chapter Seven Verilog Implementation of Logic Circuit
7.1 Basic Programming Grammar of Verilog
7.2 Verilog Implementation of the Logic Gates
7.3 Verilog Implementation of the Combinational Logic Circuit
7.4 Verilog Implementation of the Flip flop
7.5 Verilog Implementation of the Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit

Chapter Eight Memory and Programmable Logic Device
8.1 PLD
8.2 ROM
8.3 RAM

