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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 王小妮
出版社: 立信会计出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787542972163 出版时间: 2023-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 157 字数:  


  本书共有12个单元,主要内容包括跨境电商概述、跨境电商主要平台介绍、跨境电商选品策略、跨境电商物流操作、跨境电商市场营销、跨境电商客服服务、跨境电商合规理论等。本书各单元分为Section A和Section B两部分。其中,Section A为主课文,以语言输入和跨境电商基础知识为主,注重培养学生语言技能和专业能力;Section B为副课文,以跨境电商流程中的实操步骤为主,指导学生在平台中用英语完成业务。本书注重实用性,选取真实案例,图文丰富,配有视频资料。本书适合高等职业院校应用英语专业、商务英语专业、跨境电商专业的学生使用。




Unit One Overview of Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Two AliExpress E-commerce Platform
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Three E-commerce Platform
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Four Production Selection in Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Five Product Description in Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Six Pre-sale Service of Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Seven After-sale Service of Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Eight Logistics of Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Warming up
Case Lead-in
Section A Reading Practice
Section B Hands-on Training
Unit Nine Overseas Warehouses of Cross-border E-commerce
Learning Objectives
