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定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 陈尧,宋红波,吕鸣,王丹妮,符李桃,李静,马燕,王丽
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787302646235 出版时间: 2023-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《新编研究生英语听说教程》从满足研究生参与各种形式的 学术交流的现实需求出发,以英语听力、公共演讲和学术演讲为主线,系统介绍 学术交流中的相关知识和技巧,并设计相应的听力和口语活动,力求培养研究生在学术情境下的英语理解和表达能力,提高其参与 交流的综合能力。


  陈尧(1975.7— ),武汉科技大学外国语学院副院长,副教授,英语文学博士,硕士研究生导师,主要从事研究生和专业英语方面的教学与研究,研究方向为后现代视域下的西方文学与文化、翻译技术与翻译伦理、外语教学等。学术兼职:中国高等教育学会外语教学研究分会会员,湖北省高等教育学会大学外语教学专业委员会常务理事,湖北省商务英语理事院校联盟常务理事。近五年主持省级教研项目2项、省教育厅人文社会科学重点项目、校级教学研究项目等3项,参与 社科基金重大招标项目子课题1项、 社科基金青年项目1项、 人文社科规划基金项目1项以及其它省级和校级科研项目10余项。主持或参与获校级教学成果奖4项、主持省级课程1门,主编研究生和本科生教材2部,合作主编出版编著1部。


Unit 1 Smarter World, Better World? …………………………………1
Note-taking Skill: Outlining……………………………………………………4
Speaking Skill: Selecting a topic and a purpose………………………………7
Skill for Academic Speaking: Learning about academic events………10
Unit 2 Living with Al………………………………………………………19
Note-taking Skill: Using mind maps………………………………………22
Speaking Skill: Analyzing the audience…………………………………24
Skill for Academic Speaking: Attending academic events………………28
Unit 3 Advanced Materials, Advanced Life………………………………33
Note-taking Skill: Noting down the keywords………………………………36
Speaking Skill: Organizing the body of a speech………………………38
Skill for Academic Speaking: Introducing academic proflles ……………42
Unit 4 New Energy, New Future………………………………………49
Note-taking Skill: Focusing on numbers and statistics …………………52
Speaking Skill: Supporting your ideas………………………………………55
Skill for Academic Speaking: Joining a discusslon…………………………59
Unit 5 The Future Is Now………………………………………………………69
Note-taking Skill: Using symbols and abbreviations………………………72
Speaking Skill: Speaking on special occasions………………………………75
Skill for Academic Speaking: Raising and answering questions ………78
Unit 6 What's Yours Is Mine?………………………………………………87
Note-taking Skill: Using the paragraph method…………………………90
Speaking Skill: Speaking to inform …………………………………………94
Skill for Academic Speaking: Leading/Chairing an academic meeting…101
Unit 7 Gene Editing:Hope or Disaster?………………………………107
Note-taking Skill:Noting down causes and effects …………………………111
Speaking Skill:Speaking to persuade………………………………………… …114
Skill for Academic Speaking:Making presentations…………………………122
Unit 8 Architecture for the Renewable World……………………127
Note-taking Skill:Noting down comparisons and contrasts ………………129
Speaking Skill:Methods of delivery………………………………………………133
Skill for Academic Speaking:Delivering a group report……………………137
