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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科世纪商务英语阅读教程:基础篇Ⅱ(第7版)



定 价:¥44.80

作 者: 赵洪霞,余金好,王洗薇
出版社: 大连理工大学出版社
丛编项: 十二五职业教育国家规划教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787568532075 出版时间: 2021-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 178 字数:  


  《世纪商务英语阅读教程(基础篇Ⅱ第7版十二五职业教育 规划教材)》共分10个单元,每个单元包含4个部分:Topic Introduction,Reading Skill Focus,Practical Reading,Comprehensive Reading。每个单元的话题围绕弹性工作、职业训练与管理、工作态度、领导力、健康与成功、商务会议、合作、商业环境、时尚与品牌、找工作展开,提升学生的商务语篇的阅读能力,扩展知识面。




Unit 1 Flexible Working
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 2 Career Training & Career Management
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 3 Work Attitudes
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 4 Leadership
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 5 Health and Success
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 6 Business Conferences
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 7 Teamwork
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 8 Business Environment
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 9 Fashion and Brands
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
Unit 10 Job Hunting
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
Part 4 Comprehensive Readin
