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定 价:¥54.00

作 者: 姜全红,孙梅,王萌
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787302639107 出版时间: 2023-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 185 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What ls Academic English?
1.1.1 Academic
1.1.2 Academic Language
1.1.3 Academic English
1.2 What ls Academic Writing?
1.2.1 Academic Writing
1.2.2 Dilemmatic Situation of Academic Writing
1.3 What ls Scientific Writing?
1.3.1 Scientific Writing
1.3.2 Scientific Writing in English in the World
1.3.3 Scientific Writing in English in China
Chapter 2 Genres of Scientific Writing
2.1 Original Research Article
2.1.1 What ls an Original Research Article
2.1.2 Format of Original Research Articles
2.1.3 General Steps to Structure a Research Article
2.2 Literature Review Article
2.2.1 What Is a Literature Review Article?
2.2.2 Format of Literature Review Articles
2.2.3 General Steps to Write a Review Article
2.3 Research Proposal
2.3.1 What Is a Research Proposal?
2.3.2 Format of Research Proposals
2.4 Conference Abstract
2.4.1 What Is a Conference Abstract?
2.4.2 Format of a Conference Abstract
2.5 Thesis and Dissertation
2.5.1 What Is a Thesis/Dissertation?
2.5.2 Structure and Requirements of Theses and Dissertations
2.6 Technical Report
2.6.1 What Is a Technical Report
2.6.2 Typical Structure of Technical Reports
Chapter 3 Process of Scientific Writing
3.1 Topic Choosing and Selecting
3.1.1 Research Topic, Research Question and Research Title
3.1.2 How to Choose a Research Topic
3.2 Literature Searching and Reviewing
3.2.1 What ls Literature Searching and Reviewing?
3.2.2 Literature Searching: Where and How
3.3 Outlining, Drafting and Revising
3.3.1 Outlining
3.3.2 Drafting
3.3.3 Revising
3.4 Proofreading and Publishing
3.4.1 Proofreading
3.4.2 Publishing
Chapter 4 Typical Components of Scientific Writing
4.1 Writing the Introduction
4.1.1 Introduction in Scientific Writing: What and Why
