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海南自由贸易港法规选编(2020-2021 中英对照)

海南自由贸易港法规选编(2020-2021 中英对照)

定 价:¥398.00

作 者: 屈文生
出版社: 法律出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787519782061 出版时间: 2023-11-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《海南自由贸易港法规选编(2020-2021 中英对照)》作者简介


海南自由贸易港公平竞争条例 002
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Fair Competition 003
海南自由贸易港国际船舶条例 024
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on International Ship 025
海南自由贸易港企业破产程序条例 046
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Business Bankruptcy Procedures 047
海南自由贸易港社会信用条例 100
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Social Credit 101
海南自由贸易港市场主体注销条例 126
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Market Entities Deregistration 127
海南自由贸易港消防条例 142
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Fire Protection 143
海南自由贸易港优化营商环境条例 202
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Optimizing the Business Environment 203
海南自由贸易港征收征用条例 234
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Eminent Domain and Temporary Condemnations 235
海南自由贸易港知识产权保护条例 250
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Intellectual Property Rights Protection 251
海南自由贸易港反消费欺诈规定 286
Provisions of Hainan Free Trade Port on Deceptive Trade Practices 287
海南自由贸易港安居房建设和管理若干规定 300
Several Provisions of Hainan Free Trade Port on the Construction and Administration of Affordable Housing 301
海南自由贸易港科技开放创新若干规定 314
Several Provisions of Hainan Free Trade Port on Science and Technology Open-Access and Innovation 315
海南自由贸易港免税购物失信惩戒若干规定 330
Several Provisions of Hainan Free Trade Port on Duty-Free Shopping Untrustworthy Acts Penalties 331
海南自由贸易港闲置土地处置若干规定 338
Several Provisions of Hainan Free Trade Port on Unused Land Management 339
海南自由贸易港博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区条例 354
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Bo’ao Hope Pilot Zone of International Medical Tourism 355
海南自由贸易港海口江东新区条例 376
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Haikou Jiangdong New Area 377
海南自由贸易港三亚崖州湾科技城条例 396
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City 397
海南自由贸易港洋浦经济开发区条例 420
Regulations of Hainan Free Trade Port on the Yangpu Economic Development Zone 421
中国(海南)自由贸易试验区商事登记管理条例 438
Regulations of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone on the Administration of Commercial Registration 439
中国(海南)自由贸易试验区重点园区极简审批条例 474
Regulations of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Expedited Review for Key Parks 475
海南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于海南自由贸易港洋浦经济开发区等重点园区管理体制的决定 498
Decision of the Standing Committee of Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on the Management System of the Key Industrial Parks Including Yangpu Economic Development Zone of Hainan Free Trade Port 499
海南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于将林业植物检疫证书核发等省级管理权限调整由海南自由贸易港重点园区管理机构实施的决定 504
Decision of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on the Adjustment of Provincial Administrative Powers, Including Forest Plan Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance, to the Hainan Free Trade Port Main Zone Administrative Agencies 505
海南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于将旅行社设立审批等省级管理权限调整由海南自由贸易港重点园区管理机构在重点园区范围内实施的决定 510
Decision of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on the Adjustment of Authorized Provincial Administrative Powers to Be Enforced within the Main Industrial Parks, Including Approval Power for the Incorporation of Travel Agencies, to the Main Industrial Park Administrative Agencies of the Hainan Free Trade Port 511
海南省大数据开发应用条例 520
Regulations of Hainan Province on Big Data Development and Application 521
海南省多元化解纠纷条例 546
Regulations of Hainan Province on Diversified Dispute Resolution 547
海南省反走私暂行条例 572
Provisional Regulations of Hainan Province on Anti-Smuggling 573
海南经济特区律师条例 598
Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zone on Lawyers 599
海南经济特区注册会计师条例 630
Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zone on Certified Public Accountants 631
海南经济特区道路旅游客运管理若干规定 656
Rules of Hainan Special Economic Zone on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport 657
海南经济特区禁止一次性不可降解塑料制品规定 688
Rules of Hainan Special Economic Zone on Banning Single-Use Nondegradable Plastic Products 689
海南经济特区外国企业从事服务贸易经营活动登记管理暂行规定 704
Interim Rules of Hainan Special Economic Zone on the Registration of Trade in Service of Foreign Companies 705
海南热带雨林国家公园特许经营管理办法 720
Administrative Measures of Concessions in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park 721
海南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于海南省资源税具体适用税率等有关事项的决定 740
Decisions of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on Specific Applicable Resource Tax Rates in Hainan Province and Other Matters 741
海南省人民代表大会常务委员会关于海南省契税具体适用税率和免征减征办法的决定 750
Decisions of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on the Measures on Specific Tax Rates and Exemption or Abatement of Deed Tax in Hainan Province 751
后?记 756
