全书详细介绍了民国教育史上的民国教育家、民国大学和校长们以及各具特色的民国教育。“民国的大师们”如陶行知、胡适、钱钟书、梅贻琦、张伯苓、蒋梦麟、蔡元培等的教育理念和教育思想影响深远,对我们的教育提升有非常大的借鉴意义。Educational reform is an important part of the transformation of modern Chinese society. After the abolition of the imperial examination in 1905, Chinese education experienced earth-shaking changes. The Republic of China had just been founded; but the reforming spirit of the late Qing Dynasty still remained. The May Fourth New Culture brought new ideas to the country. Chinese education, being built upon the Western model, adhered to Chinese tradition and integrated it into the modern times, combining Chinese and Western cultural and educational ideas. These ideas influenced, tolerated, and transformed each other, creating an era studded with educational “stars”.