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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科汉语儿童与韩语儿童韵律焦点标记习得研究(英文版)



定 价:¥63.00

作 者: 杨安琪
出版社: 天津大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787561874646 出版时间: 2023-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 241 字数:  






CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Focus, focus types, and prosodic encoding of focus
1.4 Past work on the acquisition of prosodic focus marking
1.4.1 Prosodic focus marking in Germanic languages
1.4.2 The acquisition of phonological focus marking in Germanic languages
1.4.3 Phonetic focus marking in children
1.4.4 Summarising the acquisition of prosodic focus marking
1.5 Prosodic focus marking in Mandarin and Korean
1.5.1 Prosody and prosodic focus marking in Mandarin
1.5.2 Prosody and prosodic focus marking in Korean
1.6 Hypotheses and predictions
1.7 Dissertation outline
CHAPTER 2 Prosodic realisation of focus in Mandarin Chinese
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Method
2.2.1 Participants
2.2.2 The picture-matching task
2.2.3 Experimental materials
2.2.4 Experimental procedure
2.2.5 Prosodic annotation
2.3 Statistical analysis and results
2.3.1 Realisation of narrow focus
2.3.2 Realisation of focus types (Narrow focus vs. broad focus vs. contrastive focus)
2.4 Conclusions
CHAPTER 3 The developmental path to adult-like prosodic focus marking in Mandarin Chinese-speaking children
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Method
3.2.1 Participants
3.2.2 The picture-matching game
3.2.3 Experimental materials
3.2.4 Experimental procedure
3.2.5 Prosodic annotation
3.3 Statistical analysis and results
3.3.1 Realisation of narrow focus
3.3.2 Realisation of focus types
3.4 Discussion and conclusions
CHAPTER 4 Prosodic realisation of focus in Seoul Korean: the use of prosodicphrasing and phonetic cues
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Phonological and phonetic focus marking in Korean
4.1.2 Limitations of past work
4.1.3 The current study
4.2 Method
4.2.1 Participants
4.2.2 The picture-matching task
4.2.3 Experimental materials
4.2.4 Experimental procedure
4.3 Analysis and results, part 1: prosodic phrasing
4.3.1 Prosodic annotation
