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消防炮理论与设计 Theory and Design of Fire Monitor

消防炮理论与设计 Theory and Design of Fire Monitor

定 价:¥90.00

作 者: 薛林
出版社: 江苏大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787568418713 出版时间: 2022-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 307 字数:  


  本书是 出版基金项目“泵及系统理论与关键技术丛书”中《消防 理论与设计》的英文译本。大流量消防泵( )是泵系统技术的一个重要应用领域,在此方面的理论研究和工程设计都存在严重短板,本书对大流量消防 的结构、流道、整流等进行了系统分析,在 外尚属首例研究,对其内部流场、外部射流的特性进行了系统比较和设计方法研究,对于消防泵( )的理论研究、工程设计、技术评价、标准制定、教学培训等,都具有较好的实用价值和指导意义,也是中国科技成果外译、科技交流面向世界的精品项目。


暂缺《消防炮理论与设计 Theory and Design of Fire Monitor》作者简介


1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Significance
1.2 Overview of Fire Monitor Development at Home and Abroad
1.2.1 Basic Concepts for Fire Monitors
1.2.2 Overview of Fire Monitor Products at Home and Abroad
1.2.3 Equipping and Using of Fire Monitors in China
1.2.4 Comparison of Fire Monitor at Home and Abroad
1.3 Research Status of Fire Monitor
2 Basic Theory and Structural Design of Fire Monitor Jet
2.1 Basic Theory of Fire Monitor Jet
2.2 Structural Design of Fire Monitor
2.3 Fire Monitor Test Bench and PIV System
3 Rotary Structure and Internal Flow of Fire Monitor Seat
3.1 Rotary Structure Design of Monitor Seat
3.2 Internal Flow Calculation of Monitor Seat
3.2.1 Mathematical Model and Boundary Conditions of Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in Monitor Seat
3.2.2 Economic Diameter (Limit Value of Economic Velocity) Design of Monitor Seat
3.3 Comparative Analysis of Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow in Monitor Seat
3.3.1 Numerical Simulation Analysis of Three Monitor Seat Outlets and Internal Flow Regime
3.3.2 Secondary Flow Analysis and Internal Flow of the Flow Field in Monitor Seat with Large Rotary Structure
3.4 Influence of Guide Vane in Monitor Seat on Flow Field Parameters
3.4.1 Influence of Guide Vane Length
3.4.2 Influence of Guide Vane Migration Position
3.5 PIV Experiment of Monitor Seat and Comparison with Numerical Simulation
4 Rectification Performance of Fire Monitor Tube
4.1 Tube Rectifier Design
4.2 Analysis and Comparison of Rectification Performance
4.2.1 Mathematical Model, Boundary Conditions and Comparative Schemes for Rectification Performance Research of Monitor Tube
4.2.2 Comparison of Rectification Performance with Same Rectifier Volume
4.2.3 Comparison of Rectification Performance with Same Overflow Surface Area of Rectifier
4.2.4 Comparison of Rectification Performance with the Setting of Rectifier in the Mid-section of the Straight Pipe of the Monitor Tube
4.2.5 Comparison of Rectification Performance with Equal Wall Thickness of Rib Plate of Rectifier
4.2.6 Economic Length of Rectifier
4.2.7 Influences of Rectifier on the Velocity of Outlet Straight Pipe Section
4.2.8 Influences of Different Positions of Rectifiers in Monitor Tube on Rectification Performance
4.2.9 Influences of Water Monitor Outlet Elevation Angle on Rectification Performance
4.2.10 Influences of Rectifier In-outlet Chamfer on Rectification Performance
4.2.11 Influences of Multiple Rectifiers on Rectification Performance
4.3 Orthogonal Test Analysis of Influencing Factors of Rectification Performance
4.4 Effectiveness Analysis of Rectifier on Pressure Fluctuation
5 Performance of Fire Monitor Nozzle
5.1 Design of Nozzles
5.1.1 Nozzle Structure Selection
5.1.2 Design of the Nozzle Outlet Diameter
5.1.3 Contraction Angle of Nozzle Contraction Section
5.1.4 Length-diameter Ratio of Nozzle Outlet Straight Pipe Section
5.2 Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Field in Nozzle
5.2.1 Large Eddy Simulation Theory
5.2.2 Nozzle Simulation Scheme
5.2.3 Analysis of Large Eddy Simulation Results
