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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术工艺美术枕流之声:百年枕流公寓的口述史



定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 赵令宾
出版社: 上海人民美术出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787558628436 出版时间: 2024-05-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Huashan Road / 24
Brookside Apartment / 28
Cai Naisheng, Moved in 1951 –
From a child who played baseball
to a doctor who saves lives. / 46
Cai Naiqun, Moved in 1951 – The
cost of obtaining a unit at Brookside
Apartment was equivalent to the
price of a three-story Western-style
house at that time. / 56
郭伯农 :“ 枕 流 漱 石 ”的世外桃源
Guo Bonong, Moved in 1952 –
A retreat away from the world,
where one can “pillow one's head
on stream and gargle one's mouth
with pebbles”. / 66
陈希平 :在 这 里 看 浦江潮起潮落
Chen Xiping, Moved in 1954 –
Watching the rise and fall of the
Huangpu River from here. / 80
王胜国 :站 在 父 亲 的肩膀上
Wang Shengguo, Moved in 1953 –
Standing on the shoulders of my
father. / 90
金通澍 :爱开电梯的“孩子王”
Jin Tongshu, Born in 1954 – The
“King of Children” who loved
operating the elevator. / 102
王慕兰 :当 一 个 画 家的妻子
Wang Mulan, Moved in 1956 –
Being the wife of a painter. / 116
沈黎 :腹有诗书气自华
Sh e n L i , M o v e d i n
1956 – Possessing a wealth of
poetry and books, one exudes an
air of elegance. / 124
洪唯深 :和 外 公 一 起刻版画
Vivian Hong, Born in 1985 –
Carving woodblock prints with
grandfather. / 130
徐东丁 :我是一个有根的人
Xu Dongding, Born in 1957 – I am
a person with root. / 144
吴肇光 :新 中 国 医 学道路上的千里之行
Wu Zhaoguang, Moved in 1957 –
A prolonged journey along the path
of medical advancements in New
China. / 158
陈尚方 :住 在 周 璇 生活过的房子里
Chen Shangfang, Moved in 1959 –
Residing in the house where Zhou
Xuan once lived. / 168
叶新建 :父辈们在这儿
Ye Xinjian, Moved in 1959 – The
elder generations lived and bid their
farewells in this place. / 184
叶音 :阁楼上的舞者
Ye Yin, Born in 1991 –
The dancer in the attic. / 200
王群 :黄金地段的黄金岁月
Wang Qun, Moved in 1966 –
The golden years in the golden
location. / 230
刘丹 :我的越剧艺术家母亲
Liu Dan, Born in 1960 – My
mother, a Yue Opera artist. / 212
蔡居 :艺 术 道 路 是 漫长的
Cai Ju, Moved in 1973 – Engaging
in the arts is a long journey. / 242
张先慧 :是 这 里 改 变了我的人生
Zh a n g X i a n h u i , M o v e d i n
1975 – This is where my life
changed. / 254
马明华 :两 室 一 厅 里的三代人
Ma Minghua, Moved in 1976 –
3 generations in a 2-bedroom,
1-living-room home. / 266
颜茂迪 :老 祖 宗 传 下来的古董
Yan Maodi, Moved in 1976 –
The antiques passed down from
ancestors. / 274
陈宗华 :爱 听 春 秋 战国的野孩子
Chen Zonghua, Moved in 1979 – A
wild child who enjoyed the tales of
the Spring and Autumn Period and
the Warring States Period. / 284
梁志芳 :时 代 在 我 们身上打下烙印
Liang Zhifang, Moved in 1982 – The
era leaves its mark on us. / 298
方锡华 :一边是儿子,一边是爱人
Fang Xihua, Moved in 1990 – On
one side is the son, on the other is
the beloved. / 306
吴永湄 :成 长 在 新 社会的女研究生
Wu Yongmei, Moved in 2000 – A female
 graduate student growing up in the new era. / 316
朱胶泉 :从 我 的 名 字说起
Zhu Jiaoquan, Moved in 1954
 –Let's start from my name. / 324
Elliott Shay 和 Karen Banks :这里是我们人生旅程中很重要的一部分
Elliott Shay and Karen Banks,
Moved in 2017 – An important part of our life journey. / 330
四.附录 / 346
五.写在最后 / 366
参考资料 / 388
