Chapter 1 Emergence of Digital Currency 001
1.1 Overview of Traditional and Digital Currency 001
1.1.1 Definition and function of currency 001
1.1.2 Evolution and characteristics of traditional currency 004
1.1.3 Definition and characteristics of digital currency 006
1.2 The Historical Evolution of Digital Currency 009
Chapter 2 The Development of Digital Currency 012
2.1 The Prosperity of Blockchain and Digital Currency 012
2.2 Definition of Digital Currency 015
2.2.1 Definitions of on-site & off-site 016
2.2.2 Off-site processes 018
2.3 Viewing Digital Currency from Design and Other Perspectives 020
2.4 Current Obstacles 022
Chapter 3 Research Methods of Digital Currency Design 024
3.1 Introduction to Research Methods 024
3.2 Eye Movement Test Methodology 026
3.2.1 Subjects 029
3.2.2 Apparatus 031
3.2.3 Stimuli 031
3.2.4 Procedure 033
3.3 Experimental Data 034
3.3.1 Total eye data 034
3.3.2 Huobi and Okex description 035
3.3.3 Questionnaires collected 037
3.3.4 Heat map 038
3.3.5 Scan-path analysis 038
Chapter 4 Digital Currency Design Guidelines 044
4.1 Setting Three-level Objectives for Users 046
4.2 Reality - mind - presentation 049
4.2.1 Realistic model 051
4.2.2 Mental model 051
4.2.3 Rendering model 052
4.3 Double Diamond 053
4.4 Page Layout Principle 058
4.4.1 The design principle of weakening adversary’s information 059
4.4.2 Data emphasis principles 061
4.4.3 Important rules for arrangement of different areas 064
4.4.4 The arrangement of sequence numbers 065
4.4.5 Waterfall shape 067
4.5 State Visibility Principle 070
4.6 Role Differentiation & Three-level User Principle 076
4.6.1 Role Differentiation 077
4.6.2 Three-level User Principle 077
4.7 Consistency Principle 079
4.7.1 Layout 081
4.7.2 Design 083
4.7.3 Content 086
4.7.4 Structure 086
4.7.5 Interaction 087
4.8 Friction Principle 088
4.8.1 Reasons for the appearance of the Friction Principle 090
4.8.2 Definition of the Friction Principle 091
Chapter 5 Guidelines Comparison 096
5.1 Page Layout Principle Comparison 099
5.2 State Visibility Principle Comparison 100
5.3 User-centered Principle with Distinction and Three-level User Principle 100
5.4 Consistency Principle Comparison 101
5.5 Error Prevention and Friction Principle Comparison 102
Chapter 6 Useful Principles 105
6.1 Regarding Designers 105
6.2 For Businesses 108
6.3 About Users 110
Chapter 7 Security in Digital Currency Design 113
7.1 Threats to Digital Currency Security 113
7.2 Security Measures for Digital Currency Design 115
7.2.1 Encryption 115
7.2.2 Multi-factor authentication 116
7.2.3 Offline storage 116
7.2.4 Regular auditing 117
7.2.5 User education 117
7.3 Legal and Regulatory Compliance 119
7.3.1 KYC and AML 119
7.3.2 Regulatory compliance 120
7.3.3 Data protection 122
Chapter 8 Future Trends in Digital Currency Design 124
8.1 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 124
8.2 Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) 125
8.3 Interoperability and Cross-chain Solutions 127
8.4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 129
References 132