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定 价:¥496.75

作 者: Brett N. Steenbarger 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470038666 出版时间: 2006-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Trading is a performance discipline, and like Olympic athletes, elite military troops, and performing artists, traders can structure their development to achieve competence and expertise. Through his own trading experiences and those of individuals he has mentored, Dr. Brett Steenbarger is familiar with the challenges thattraders face and the performance and psychological strategies that can meet those challenges.In his first book, The Psychology of Trading, Dr. Steenbarger provided a framework for understanding and overcoming the mental obstacles to successful trading. Now, in Enhancing Trader Performance, he goes a step further and shows you how to transform talent into trading skill through a structured process of expertise development. Straightforward and accessible, this comprehensive guide: Discusses the importance of finding an optimal fit between your trading talents and interests; the markets you trade; and the ways you trade those markets Explores how you can enter into a learning process that will cultivate your tradingcompetence and expertise Introduces the concept of learning loops, which enable you to make progressive improvements in your trading methods Breaks down performance into three components—mechanics, tactics, and strategy—and examines the role of each in generating trading success Illustrates how you can coach yourself with practical cognitive and behavioral techniques that rapidly change problem patterns and build new, positive ways of thinking and behaving When you enhance your performance as a trader, you replace a small piece of randomness with intention. This enables you to make more informed trading decisions as you make your way through today's dynamic markets. Filled with in-depth insights, practical advice, solid research, and detailed examples, Enhancing Trader Performance offers an innovative approach to market mastery.


  BRETT N. STEENBARGER, PHD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, and an active trader of the equity index markets. He has published over fifty peer-reviewed journal


Author’s Note
Chapter 1: Where Expertise Begins
Chapter 2: Finding Your Performance Niche as a Trader
Chapter 3: Building Competence
Chapter 4: Strategies for Cultivating Competence
Chapter 5: From Competence to Expertise
Chapter 6: Mechanics, Tactics, Strategies
Chapter 7: Performance Dynamics
Chapter 8: Cognitive Techniques for Enhancing Performance
Chapter 9: Behavioral Techniques for Enhancing Performance
Afterword: The Making and Remaking of an Expert Trader
Appendix: Resources for Performance
About the Author
