in Laden to the Gates of Hell but he won t even go to the cave where he lives.
And today, as my call for a time frame to remove our troops from Iraq has been echoed by the Iraqi government and even the Bush Administration, even after we learned that Iraq has a $79 billion surplus while we re wallowing in deficits, John McCain stands alone in his stubborn refusal to end a misguided war.
That s not the judgment we need. That won t keep America safe. We need a President who can face the threats of the future, not keep grasping at the ideas of the past.
You don t defeat a terrorist network that operates in eighty countries by occupying Iraq. You don t protect Israel and deter Iran just by talking tough in Washington. You can t truly stand up for Georgia when you ve strained our oldest alliances. If John McCain wants to follow George Bush with more tough talk and bad strategy, that is his choice but it is not the change we need.
We are the party of Roosevelt. We are the party of Kennedy. So don t tell me that Democrats won t defend this country. Don t tell me that Democrats won t keep us safe. The Bush?McCain foreign policy has squandered the legacy that generations of Americans Democrats and Republicans have built, and we are here to restore that legacy.
As Commander?in?Chief, I will never hesitate to defend this nation, but I will only send our troops into harm s way with a clear mission and a sacred commitment to give them the equipment they need in battle and the care and