
Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(14)

Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

News Item1 2


News Background



News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

A World Health Organization survey of hospital and clinic births in nine Asian countriesearlier this year found 27 percent were c-sections, and in China it was nearly half of all births.

And there were more deaths and complications when women had a cesarean delivery that wasn’tmedically required.

Now, a small but intriguing new study looks at one way the delivery method might affectthe baby’s health. Co-lead author Elizabeth Costello, now at Stanford, was at the University ofColorado when the study was done.

The researchers suspect that the newborn c-section babies might be picking up their genericbacteria mix from the air - one way bacteria gets on our skin.

Exactly how the differences in bacteria might make vaginally born babies less prone toallergies and asthma isn’t yet clear, but it does point to a difference that researchers can look atgoing forward. Costello says she expects more studies as DNA analysis gets cheaper and faster.

“I think further studies will be necessary to show whether the differences we’

ve demonstrated depending on delivery mode of babies when they fi rst emergeinto the world actually carry over time, and whether those differences mightcontribute to health outcomes.”

Elizabeth Costello’s paper is published online by the Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences.

survey n.

调查cesarean a.

剖腹产的intriguing a.

有趣的bacteria n.

细菌asthma n.

哮喘analysis n.

分析demonstrate v.

说明,论证contribute v.


Listening Comprehension听力理解

1 A World Health Organization survey of hospital and clinic births inearlier this year found were c-sections, andin China it was nearly half of all births.

2 According to the research, which statement is not right? ( )A.The research looks at one way the delivery method might affect the baby’shealth.

B. The researchers suspect that the newborn c-section babies might be pickingup their generic bacteria mix from the air - one way bacteria gets on ourskin.

C. Co-lead author Elizabeth Costello, now at New York, was at the Universityof Colorado when the study was done.

D. All the above are not right.

3 Which statement of the followings is right? ( )A. Exactly how the differences in bacteria might make vaginally born babiesless prone to allergies and asthma isn’t yet clear.

B. Costello says she expects more studies as DNA analysis gets cheaper andfaster.

C. Elizabeth Costello’s paper is published online by the Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences.

D. All the above.

1. nine Asian countries; 27 percent2. C 3. D Key1 World Health Organization世界卫生组织(World Health Organization简称WHO)是联合国下属的一个专门机构,只有主权国家才能参加,是国际上最大的政府间卫生组织,现有193个会员国。1946年国际卫生大会通过了《世界卫生组织组织法》,1948年4月7日世界卫生组织宣布成立。于是每年的4月7日也就成为全球性的“世界卫生日”。

2 Exactly how the differences in bacteria might make vaginally born babies less prone to allergiesand asthma aren’t yet clear. prone to词组意思为易于;有……倾向的。例: She is prone toanger. 她动辄发怒。

3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 国家科学院会议。


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