
Law and Politics 法律和政治(1)

Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

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News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

(U.S. President Barack Obama said this week that his administration has to do a betterjob of dealing with terrorism threats in the wake of the failed Christmas Day bomb plot aboarda commercial flight en route to Detroit. Opposition Republicans have been critical of theadministration’s handling of the incident, and political experts have been assessing the fallout.)The failed terror bomb plot constitutes Mr. Obama’s most serious national security testto date, and the president has been quick to acknowledge that there is plenty of room forimprovement.

“So we have to do better, and we will do better he said.” And we have to do it quickly.

词汇加油站1 U.S. President Barack Obama said this week that has todo a better job of dealing with terrorism threats in the wake of the failedbomb plot aboard a commercial fl ight en route to Detroit.

2 Which statement about the opposition Republicans is right? ( )A. Opposition Republicans have been critical of the administration’s handling ofthe incident.

B. Opposition Republicans see an opening in the administration’s flawedhandling of the failed attack.

C. Opposition Republicans appear eager to highlight the incident as a potentialcampaign issue for the November midterm congressional elections.

D. All of the above are right.

3 Which following statement is true? ( )A. The failed terror bomb plot constitutes Mr. Obama’s most serious nationalsecurity test to date, and the president has been quick to acknowledge thatthere is plenty of room for improvement.

B. Darrell West is with the Brookings Institution in Washington.

C. That confi dence will likely be put to the test as the administration’s review ofits handling of the failed bombing attack unfolds in the weeks ahead.

D. All of the above are right.

American lives are on the line.”

Opposition Republicans see an opening in the administration’s flawedhandling of the failed attack, and appear eager to highlight the incident as apotential campaign issue for the November midterm congressional elections.

Darrell West is with the Brookings Institution in Washington.

“President Obama continues to inspire great confi dence from the Americanpublic, especially when you compare him to other political leaders,” said West.

That confi dence will likely be put to the test as the administration’s review ofits handling of the failed bombing attack unfolds in the weeks ahead.

administrationn. 管理,行政en route ad.

在途中opposition n.

反对,敌对fallout n.

后果,余波acknowledge n.

承认congressionala. 议会的review n.

回顾unfold v.

显露,呈现 Listening Comprehension听力理解

1. his administration; Christmas Day2. D 3. D Key1 U.S. President Barack Obama said this week that his administration has to do a better job ofdealing with terrorism threats in the wake of the failed Christmas Day bomb plot aboard acommercial flight en route to Detroit.这个句子主语是U.S. President Barack Obama,谓语是said,宾语是that引导的这个从句,this week是时间状语,in the wake of是尾随, 紧跟, 仿效的意思。

2 Opposition Republicans have been critical of the administration’s handling of the incident, andpolitical experts have been assessing the fallout. have been为现在完成时表示一个动作或状态一直持续着。“assessing the fallout”是评估损失的意思。

3 Darrell West is with the Brookings Institution in Washington.句中be with something,表示同意支持,其同义词为be for something反义词为be against something。


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