
Law and Politics 法律和政治(5)

Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

News Item5


News Background

新闻背景  长期以来,美国在中东和平进程中所扮演的角色一直相当重要,它的态度往往能决定和平进程的走向。奥巴马政府上任以来,为在伊斯兰世界重塑美国形象,改变前任布什政府在中东问题上行动不力的状况,努力将推动巴以实现和平作为改善与伊斯兰国家特别是阿拉伯国家关系的一个推手。美国政府中东问题特使米切尔今年以来数次访问中东地区,美国国务卿希拉里??克林顿和美国前总统卡特也在这一地区穿梭访问,一方面努力改善美国与叙利亚、黎巴嫩等阿以冲突直接相关国的关系,另一方面积极做埃及、约旦等能在中东和平进程中发挥作用的国家的工作,探讨为启动巴以和谈所必须采取的步骤。这些举措都表明美国政府正在为推动中东和平进程作出切实努力。

News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

(U.S. President Barack Obama’s point man in the Middle East is back in the region, trying tojump-start the peace process.)U.S. Envoy George Mitchell is holding separate meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leadersin a bid to revive deadlocked Middle East peace talks. The Palestinians have refused to return tothe negotiating table until Israel completely freezes Jewish settlement construction and they haverejected Israel’s offer of a partial freeze.

As Mitchell arrived in the region, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mocked thePalestinians for demanding unacceptable preconditions.

“Israel has been trying to get the Palestinians to enter the negotiating tent,” he said. “ThePalestinians have climbed up a tree. And they like it up there. People bringladders to them, we bring ladders to them; the higher the ladder, the higherthey climb.”

Interviewed on Israel Radio, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekatrejected the demand outright.

“It is absolutely unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable, absolutelyunacceptable,” he said. “The borders of the State of Palestine will beJordan; the Jordan Valley is ours, is Palestine. Now why do they insist on beingon our territory?”

This is George Mitchell’s 11th peace mission since U.S. President BarackObama took offi ce a year ago, but he has had little success at bridging the gaps.

region n.

区域,地区Palestinian a.

巴基斯坦的deadlocked a.

僵持的negotiating n.

谈判reject v.

拒绝precondition n.

先决条件outright ad.

直截了当地mission n.


 Listening Comprehension听力理解

1 This is George Mitchell’s peace mission since U.S.

President Barack Obama took offi ce , but he has hadlittle success at bridging the gaps.

2 U.S. Envoy George Mitchell is holding separate meetings withleaders in a bid to revive deadlocked Middle East peace talks. ( )A. Israeli and PakistanB. Israeli and PalestinianC. Iraq and PalestinianD. Pakistan and Iraq3 Which statement of the following is not right? ( )A. U.S. President Barack Obama’s point man in the Middle East is back in theregion.

B. U.S. Envoy George Mitchell is holding separate meetings with Israeli andPalestinian leaders.

C. Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat rejected the demand outrightD. All of the above are wrong1. 11th; a year ago2. B 3. D Key1 The Palestinians have refused to return to the negotiating table until Israel completely freezesJewish settlement construction and they have rejected Israel’s offer of a partial freeze. 短语refuse to do sth.的意思是“拒绝做……”;negotiating table的意思是“谈判桌”,注意这里不是negotiate table.

2 Now why do they insist on being on our territory? 短语insist on doing sth.的意思是“坚持做……”这是固定搭配。

3 This is George Mitchell’s 11th peace mission since U.S. President Barack Obama took office ayear ago, but he has had little success at bridging the gaps. 其中since引导的句子“since U.S.

President...a year ago”做整个句子的时间状语。


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