

英文读天下:畅谈财富名人榜 作者:李丹

Forbes, Inc. is a privately held publishing and media company. Itsflagship publication is Forbes, a bi-weekly magazine, with a circulationover 900,000.

In August 2006, the privateequity firm, Elevation Partners, became aminorityshareholder in a newly formed company, Forbes Media, whichencompassesForbes magazine and Forbes.com, one of the leading businesssites on the Web. Forbes.com reaches 18 million people monthly. OtherForbes Media websites are: Investopedia.com; RealClearPolitics.com;RealClearMarkets.com; RealClearSports.com. Together with the Forbes.

com Business and Finance Blog Network, theseproperties reach nearly 40million business decision makers each month.

The company also publishes Forbes Asia, ForbesLife, and ForbesWoman magazines. In addition, Forbes has 10 local-language licenseeeditions  in  China,  Croatia,  India,  Indonesia,  Israel,  Korea,  Poland,Romania, Russia, and Turkery.Forbes,Forbes Asia and the company’s ten-002-英文读天下畅谈财富名人榜international licensee editions together reach a worldwideaudience of morethan 6 million readers.


2006年8月,私募股权公司——高地风险投资公司获得了新成立的福布斯传媒公司的少数股权。福布斯传媒公司下辖《福布斯》杂志和福布斯网,福布斯网是世界领先的财经网站之一,其月访问量达1800万人。福布斯传媒还拥有其他一些网站,如:Investopedia.com;RealClearPolitics.com; RealClearMarkets.com; RealClearSports.com。 这些网站与福布斯商业网和财经博客网每月拥有访问用户4000万人,而且这些用户基本都是企业决策者。



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